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ornamenting Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

ornamenting ka kya matlab hota hai



बूटा, बेल-बूटा, ठाट-बाट, भूषण, अलंकरण, अलंकार, आभूषण,


अलंकृत करना, सुशोभित करना, आरास्ता करना, सजाना, संवारना,

ornamenting शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:


1991: सरदार बूटासिंह, काँग्रेस।

गोल्डन मोमेंट्स - पत्ता पत्ता बूटा बूटा

| शहीद-ए-मोहब्बत बूटा सिंह।

1984: सरदार बूटासिंह, काँग्रेस।

| bgcolor#DDEEFF | बूटा सिंह।

जालौर संसदीय क्षेत्र से चार बार निर्वाचित हुए सरदार बूटासिंह केंद्र सरकार में गृहमंत्री रह चुके है।

1999: सरदार बूटासिंह, काँग्रेस।

बहुत तरह के मोटिफों का प्रचलन चल पड़ा है, परन्तु कुछ प्रमुख परम्परागत मोटिफ जो आज भी अपनी बनारसी पहचान बनाए हुए हैं, जैसे बूटी, बूटा, कोनिया, बेल, जाल और जंगला, झालर आदि।

1998: सरदार बूटासिंह, काँग्रेस।

बाद के नोट मे एक बेलबूटा बना था जो एक महिला आकृति, व्यापार का मानवीकरण दर्शाता था।

इस पेड़ पर लगने वाले फल को भी रम्बूटान ही कहा जाता है।

जिस कपड़े पर चिकनकारी की जाती है पहले उस पर बूटा लिखा जाता है।

Lemon Water For Weight Loss - वजन घटाने के लिए नींबू पानी रम्बूटान सैपिन्डेसी परिवार में मध्यम आकार के उष्णकटिबंधीय वृक्ष होता है।

छठे गुरु ने सिक्ख धर्म, संस्कृति एवं इसकी आचार-संहिता में अनेक ऐसे परिवर्तनों को अपनी आंखों से देखा जिनके कारण सिक्खी का महान बूटा अपनी जडे मजबूत कर रहा था।

जब बूटी की आकृति को बड़ा कर दिया जाता है तो इस बढ़ी हुई आकृति को बूटा कहा जाता है।

* अग दा बूटा (१९७२) हिन्दी, कन्नड़ और अंग्रेज़ी में अनूदित।

ornamenting's Usage Examples:

it is certain that the Indians lived in substantial houses, sometimes using dressed stone, inscriptions and ornamental carvings on the more pretentious edifices; they cultivated the soil, rudely perhaps, and produced enough to make it possible to live in large towns, they made woven fabrics for dress and hangings, using colours in their manufacture; they were skilful in making and ornamenting pottery, in making gold and silver ornaments, and in featherwork; they used the fibres that Nature lavishly provided in weaving baskets, hangings, mats, screens and various household utensils.

Very early, however, the custom arose of ornamenting the triangular spaces between the orphreys with embroidery, usually a round medallion, or a star, set in the middle, but sometimes figures of saints, 'c. (e.g.

The poems of Homer are full of descriptions of elaborate works in bronze, gold and silver, which, even when full allowance is made for poetic fancy, show clearly enough very advanced skill in the working and ornamenting of these metals.

This circumstance, together with the custom of ornamenting the basilica of St Peter very richly on the day of the ceremony, accounts for the considerable cost which a canonization entails.

bezoartica) of India, a species taking its name from the deep black coat assumed by the i.dult bucks, and easily recognized by the graceful, spirally twisted horns ornamenting the heads of that sex, is now the sole representative of the genus Antilope, formerly taken to embrace the whole of the true antelopes.

The early thuribles were usually simple in design; but in the medieval period an architectural form was given to the lids by ornamenting them with towers, battlements and traceries, varying according to the prevalent Gothic style of the period.

Towards the end of the same century from 600 to 1000 workmen were, it is stated, employed on one branch of the art, that of ornamenting beads by the help of the blow-pipe.

It serves for the thatching of roofs, for a papermaking material, for ornamenting small surfaces as a "strawmosaic," for plaiting into door and table mats, mattresses, 'c., and for weaving and plaiting into light baskets, artificial flowers, 'c. These applications, however, are insignificant in comparison with the place occupied by straw as a raw material for the straw bonnets and hats worn by both sexes.

Albs were originally quite plain, but about the 10th century the custom arose of ornamenting the borders and the cuffs of the sleeves with strips of embroidery, and this became common in the 12th century.


rivet, hanging, figure, graffito, garnish, set decoration, beadwork, tracery, arabesque, tail fin, flower arrangement, graffiti, floral arrangement, sgraffito, incrustation, trumpery, gimcrackery, necklet, fin, molding, sprig, pommel, brass, centerpiece, wall hanging, lunula, nonsense, embellishment, interior decoration, ornamentation, design, tinsel, decor, bow, stud, frill, volute, adornment, pattern, artefact, overlay, tailfin, spiral, moulding, encrustation, centrepiece, wind chime, gargoyle, hood ornament, falderol, nailhead, artifact, wind bell, beading, decoration, architectural ornament, rosemaling, inlay, Christmas tree, gimcrack, cockade, knob, finial, folderal,


uglify, underdress, dress down, undress, natural object,

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