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orgiastic Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

orgiastic ka kya matlab hota hai


उन्मादी यौन गतिविधि का उपयोग किया जाता है


तांडव का, नंगा नाच का,

orgiastic शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:


दुर्भाग्य से यदि उसे भयजनक अनेक परिस्थितियों में से एक साथ गुजरना पड़ता है तो वह सदा के लिए भयभीत हो जाता है; जीवन का हर क्षण मृत्यु का संदेश देता है; हवा की मधुर मरमर में तूफान का भयंकर गर्जन सुनाई देने लगता है और पत्तों के हिलने में प्रलय के तांडव का दृश्य दिखाई देता है।

परंतु अन्य आगम तथा काव्य ग्रंथों में दुर्गा, गणेश, भैरव, श्रीराम आदि के तांडव का भी वर्णन मिलता है।

इस प्रकार श्रीभागवतानंद गुरु के द्वारा लिखे गए श्रीराघवेंद्रचरितम् में इन्द्रादि देवगणों के द्वारा किये गए श्रीराम तांडव का वर्णन समाप्त हुआ।

orgiastic's Usage Examples:

130 f oll., a passage belonging to the latest period of epic), as " raging," an epithet that indicates that in those comparatively early times the orgiastic character of his worship was recognized.

Philopator was devoted to orgiastic forms of religion and literary dilettantism.

He was confused with Pan, Sabazios, Men and Adonis, and there were resemblances between the orgiastic features of his worship and that of Dionysus.

In fact the presence of an orgiastic character is as marked a feature in Canaanite religion as the absence of it is in the oldest religion of Israel; but the new Hebrew enthusiasts had at least an external resemblance to the devotees of the Canaanite sanctuaries and this would be enough to determine the choice of a name which in the first instance seems hardly to have been a name of honour.

But we know that there were nebhiim among the Canaanites; the "prophets" of Baal appear in the history of Elijah as men who sought to attract their god by wild orgiastic rites.

How deeply the orgiastic character was stamped on the priesthoods of north Semitic nature-worship is clear from Greek and Roman accounts, such as that of Appuleius (Metam.

But the use of " kahin " for " priest " in the Canaanite area points to more than this: it is connected with the orgiastic character of Canaanite religion.

15), but the ecstatic and orgiastic dervish who was meshuggah or " frenzied," a term which was constantly applied to him from the days of Elisha to those of Jeremiah (2 Kings ix.

They became orgiastic in character and scenes of drunkenness, cf.

135) calls them Thyrsagetae, probably in reference to their celebration of orgiastic rites in honour of some divinity akin to the Thracian Dionysus.

orgiastic's Meaning':

used of frenzied sexual activity




unsexy, anaphrodisiac,

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