offence Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
offence ka kya matlab hota hai
अपकार, नाराज़ी, अपमान,
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offence शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
अप - (विरुद्ध होणें) अपकार, अपजय.।
अधिकतर मामलों में पिशाचों को बुरे प्राणियों, आत्महत्या के शिकार या चुड़ैलों के भूत-प्रेत के रूप में माना गया लेकिन इतना सृजन अपकारी प्रेतात्माओं के द्वारा भी संभव है जिनके कब्जे में कोई लाश है या जिन्हें किसी पिशाच ने काट लिया है।
उसने महाराष्ट्र के निवासियों को गर्वीला और युद्धप्रिय बतलाया है एवं कहा है कि वे उपकार के प्रति कृतज्ञ और अपकार के प्रति प्रतिशोधक होते है, विपन्न और शरणगत के लिये वे आत्मबलिदान तक करने को तत्पर रहते हैं और अपमान करनेवाले की हत्या की उन्हें पिपासा होती है।
अपकारकर्ता कोऽपि न स्याद् दुष्टवृत्तिर्दांवः ॥ ।
हाथ डालें हम कभी क्यों भूलकर अपकार में ।
वे अपनी छात्रावस्था ही में प्रत्येक प्रकार के क्रूर अपकार तथा रुढ़िवाद के कट्टर विरोधी बन गए थे और इसी कारण विद्यालय में प्राय: सभी लोग उन्हें पागल तथा नास्तिक कहते थे।
माता तो कभी-कभी कुपित भी हो जाती है, परन्तु उदर स्थिति अर्थात् खायी हुई हरड़ कभी भी अपकारी नहीं होती।
अपकृति का प्रयोग कानून में किसी ऐसे अपकार अथवा क्षति के अर्थ में होता है जिसकी अपनी निश्चित विशेषताएँ होती हैं।
अपकार- अहित, अमंगल, अनिष्ट, हानि, बुराई, अनुपकार, द्रोह, द्वेष, दुष्क्रिया, मंदकर्म।
offence's Usage Examples:
One of these myths is the famous story of Ishtar's descent to Irkalla or Aralu, as the lower world was called, and her reception by her sister who presides over it; the other is the story of Nergal's offence against Ereshkigal, his banishment to the kingdom controlled by the goddess and the reconciliation between Nergal and Ereshkigal through the latter's offer to have Nergal share the honours of the rule over Irkalla.
Failure to comply with any of the rules renders a company " liable for each offence, on conviction under the Summary Jurisdiction Acts, to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, or in the case of a continuing offence to a fine not exceeding ten pounds for every day during which the offence continues after conviction."
Punishment may take forms varying from capital punishment, flogging and mutilation of the body to imprisonment, fines, and even deferred sentences which come into operation only if an offence is repeated within a specified time.
To constitute the offence, the blasphemy must be uttered in public, be offensive in character, and have wounded the religious susceptibilities of some other person.
Seeing that Godoy, the all-powerful minister at Madrid, had given mortal offence to Napoleon early in the Prussian campaign of 1806 by calling on Spain to arm on behalf of her independence, it passes belief how he could have placed his country at the mercy of Napoleon at the end of the year 1807.
An order for the removal of a judge must be based upon a conviction for some specified offence before a court of law.
He was still in office when the final rising of the Cubans began in February 1895, and he had to resign in March because he could not find superior officers in the army willing to help him to put down the turbulent and disgraceful demonstrations of the subalterns of Madrid garrison against newspapers which had given offence to the military.
The offence is one of purely ecclesiastical cognizance, and not punishable by the criminal law.
No offence sport, but when is the last time you looked in the mirror?
SIMONY, an offence, defined below, against the law of the church.
offensive, rollback, offense, push back, military operation, operation, dirty war, counteroffensive,
evolution, finish, end, praise, defend,