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nyssa Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

nyssa ka kya matlab hota hai


ट्यूपेलोस: नमकीन निवास के पर्णपाती पेड़ विशेष रूप से दलदल और तालाबों के बगल में

nyssa शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

रुकवा, कियू, एडवर्ड, अलबर्ट, टाना व न्यासा झीलें भ्रंश घाटी में स्थित हैं।

मूर्च्छाभ्रमनिद्रा तन्द्रा संन्यासाधिक।

थॉमस ब्रांच, एक प्रारंभिक अफ्रीकी-अमेरिकी सेवेंथ-डे एडवेंटिस्ट मिशनरी टू न्यासालैंड (मलावी) ने मूल छात्रों को "लड़कों" के रूप में संदर्भित किया:न्यू जर्सी के गवर्नर क्रिस क्रिस्टी और केंटकी के पूर्व कांग्रेसी ज्योफ डेविस सहित कई राजनेताओं की सार्वजनिक रूप से एक अश्वेत व्यक्ति को "लड़का" कहने के लिए आलोचना की गई है।

इसे पूर्व में 'न्यासालैंड' (Nyasaland) कहा जाता था।

यह झीलों तांगान्यिका और न्यासा के बीच हाइलैंड्स में उगता है।

पूर्वी शाखा दक्षिण में मलावी झील से रूडाल्फ झील तथा लाल सागर होती हुई सहारा तक फैली हुई है तथा पश्चिमी शाखा मलावी झील से न्यासा झील एवं टांगानिका झील होती हुई एलबर्ट झील तक चली गयी है।


न्यासा जिसका जन्म २० एप्रिल २००३ को हुआ था और युग जिसका जन्म १३ सितम्बर २०१० को हुआ था।

बिन्दुन्यासादयोऽवस्थाः शुक्रशोनित सम्भवाः .।

nyssa's Usage Examples:

17), Gregory of Nyssa (Orat.

This was the phrase of Gregory of Nyssa.

Gregory of Nyssa also about the same date (in Migne, Patrolog.

His eldest sister, Macrina, was celebrated for her saintly life; his second brother was the famous Gregory of Nyssa; his youngest was Peter, bishop of Sebaste; and his eldest brother was the famous Christian jurist Naucratius.

Thus it came to be acknowledged by Athanasius, Isidore of Pelusium, Gregory of Nyssa, and others.

It was in the East especially that preaching flourished: Eusebius of Caesarea, Eusebius of Emesa, Athanasius, Macarius, Cyril of Jerusalem, Ephraem Syrus among the orthodox; and of the Arians, Arius himself and Ulfilas the great Gothic missionary, are all of high quality; but above even these stand out the three Cappadocians,Basil (q.v.) of Caesarea,cultured, devout and practical; his brother Gregory of Nyssa, more inclined to the speculative and metaphysical, and Gregory (q.v.) of Nazianzus, richly endowed with poetic and oratorial gifts, the finest preacher of the three.

Gregory of Nyssa's untrustworthy panegyric represents him as having wrought miracles of a very startling description; but nothing related by him comes near the astounding narratives given in the Martyrologies, or even in the Breviarium Romanum, in connexion with his name.

His episcopate, which lasted some thirty years, was characterized by great missionary zeal, and by so much success that, according to the (doubtless somewhat rhetorical) statement of Gregory of Nyssa, whereas at the outset of his labours there were only seventeen Christians in the city, there were at his death only seventeen persons in all who had not embraced Christianity.

The grape, Ogeechee lime (Nyssa capitata) and pawpaw are also native fruits.

From Alexandria we get Athanasius, Didymus and Cyril; from Cyrene, Synesius; from Antioch, Theodore of Mopsuestia, John Chrysostom and Theodoret; from Palestine, Eusebius of Caesarea and Cyril of Jerusalem; from Cappadocia, Basil, Gregory of Nyssa and Gregory of Nazianzus.

nyssa's Meaning':

tupelos: deciduous trees of moist habitats especially swamps and beside ponds

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