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nubians Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

nubians ka kya matlab hota hai


एक मूल या निबिया का निवासी



nubians शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

सीनाई पर्वत चट्टानों का विकास अरब-न्युबियन शील्ड (एएनएस (ANS)) के विकास के अंतिम चरण में हुआ था।

फिर भी, न्यूबियाई लोगों का जबरन विस्थापन आज भी मिस्र में विवादास्पद बना हुआ है, कुछ नासिर पर उन उपेक्षित परिस्थितियों के लिए दोषारोपण कर रहे हैं जिनमें से अब तक न्युबियन रह रहे हैं।

2006 न्युबियन जैक समुदाय न्यास द्वारा एक पट्टिका उन्हें समर्पित की गई और जिसे महामहिम के विदेश कार्यालय ने समर्थन दिया.।

चौदहवीं सदी के समकालीन समय में मकुरिया और अलोदिया ईसाई न्युबियन साम्राज्य के विघटन के बाद से ही निलोटिक लोग धीरे-धीरे इस क्षेत्र में बढ़ने लग गये।

कुषाण राजा तहरका और उसके उत्तराधिकारी तनुतामुन, दोनों के शासनकाल में असीरिया के साथ लगातार संघर्ष चलता रहा, जिनके खिलाफ नुबियन शासकों ने कई विजय का आनंद लिया था।

अपनी वापसी के बाद, थेब्स राजाओं ने खुद को उत्तर की ओर हिक्सोस और दक्षिण की ओर हिक्सोस के नुबियन सहयोगी दल, कुशाओं के बीच घिरा हुआ पाया।

nubians's Usage Examples:

His monuments are widespread in Egypt, the quarries and mines in the desert as far as Sinai bear witness to his great activity, and we know of an expedition which he made against the Nubians.

The poverty-stricken and barbarous Nubians were strong and courageous, and gladly served in Egypt as mercenary soldiers and police.

154 seq.), we have an evident jumble in the writer's mind between the Asiatic and the African location of Prester John; among other matters it is stated that Prester John and the Nubians dug a chapel out of the rock under Calvary in honour of the three kings: "et vocatur illa capella in partibus illis capella Nubiyanorum ad reges in praesentem diem, sed Sarracini..

Little is known of the language of the ancient Nubians or of its connexion, if any, with the language, known as Meroitic, of the "Ethiopians" who preceded them.

The Nilotic Nubians are on the whole a strong muscular people, essentially agricultural, more warlike and energetic than the Egyptians.

These Bosnians (Kalaji as they called themselves) settled in the country and intermarried with the Arabs and Nubians, their descendants still holding lands between Assuan and Derr.

Of the mission to the Nubians which he promoted, though he did not himself visit their country, an interesting account is giyen in the 4th book of the 3rd Dart of his History.

Herodotus mentions the temple dedicated to "Perseus" and asserts that Chemmis was remarkable for the celebration of games in honour of that hero, after the manner of the Greeks, at which prizes were given; as a matter of fact some representations are known of Nubians and people of Puoni (Somalic coast) clambering up poles before the god Min.

The Nuba, Nubians or Berberin, inhabitants of the Nile valley between Assuan and Dongola.

Hence it is that the Nubians of this district, fairest of all the race, still claim Arab and Osmanli (Bosnian) descent.

nubians's Meaning':

a native or inhabitant of Nubia

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