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nominalists Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

nominalists ka kya matlab hota hai

नाममात्र के वादक

एक दार्शनिक जिसने नाममात्रवाद को अपनाया है


कल्पनावादी, नामवादी,

nominalists शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

इसी प्रकार "गिफोर्ड" और "हौरिस स्मिथ" की कविताएँ, वीरतापूर्ण तथा कल्पनावादी नाटक और नृत्य नाट्य भी सफल हुए।

वह अपने धार्मिक और पौराणिक विचारों को हीगेल के नकारात्मक तार्किक या परिकल्पनावादी दर्शन का स्वीकारात्मक परिपूरक समझता था।

पाश्चात्य दर्शन के मध्यकाल में, 11 वीं से 14 वीं शताब्दी तक, नामवादी विचारकों ने बराबर ही कहा कि सामान्य प्रत्यय नाम के अतिरिक्त कुछ नहीं है, वास्तविक सत्ता वस्तुओं की है।

यह उत्तरमध्ययुगीन नामवादी (nominalist) परंपरा के अंतर्गत है।

यूरोप में जब मध्यकालीन कल्पनावादी साहित्य (रोमान्सेज) की घोर शब्दाडंबर से युक्त ऊटपटाँग बातें चलीं तब चौसर ने अपने "सर टोपास" नामक ग्रंथ में उनकी खिल्ली उड़ाई।

nominalists's Usage Examples:

He is with the nominalists of the later Scholasticism and the naturalists of the early Renaissance.

Pierre d'Ailly (1350-1425) and John Gerson (Jean Charlier de Gerson, 1363-1429), both chancellors of the university of Paris, and the former a cardinal of the church, are the chief figures among the later Nominalists.

Finally, by abstraction from the individual things of sense, the mind is able to contemplate the universal apart from its accompaniments (animal sine homine, asino, et aliis speciebus); these subjective existences are the universalia post rem of the Nominalists and Conceptualists.

Realism was in the beginning of the 12th century the dominant doctrine and the doctrine of the church; the Nominalists were the innovators and the especial representatives of the Rationalistic Summists.

There were Nominalists before Roscellinus among these early thinkers.

The controversy was between Nominalists and Realists; and, exclusively logical as the point may at first sight seem to be, adherence to one side or the other is an accurate indication of philosophic tendency.

The Realists held that universals alone have substantial reality, existing ante res; the Nominalists that universals are mere names invented to express the qualities of particular things and existing post res; while the Conceptualists, mediating between the two extremes, held that universals are concepts which exist in our minds and express real similarities in things themselves.

The controversy between nominalists and realists arose from a passage in Boethius' translation of Porphyry's Introduction to the Categories of Aristotle, which propounded the problem of genera and species, (1) as to whether they subsist in themselves or only in the mind; (2) whether, if subsistent, they are corporeal or incorporeal; and (3) whether separated from sensible things or placed in them.

The latter position, ascribed by the schoolmen to the Averroists, becomes dominant among the later Nominalists, William of Occam and his disciples, who withdraw all doctrines of faith from the sphere of reason.

The critics of Aquinas - Duns Scotus and the later Nominalists - show some tendency towards rational scepticism.

nominalists's Meaning':

a philosopher who has adopted the doctrine of nominalism




necessitarian, libertarian,

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