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negus Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

negus ka kya matlab hota hai


शराब और गर्म पानी चीनी और नींबू के रस और जायफल के साथ



negus शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

जब वह अबिसिनिया में थे, नेगस (राजा) के खिलाफ विद्रोह टूट गया।

वह अपने कपड़े लहराते हुए भाग गया और घोषणा की, "हूर्रे, नेगस ने विजय प्राप्त की है और भगवान ने अपने दुश्मनों को नष्ट कर दिया है और उसे अपनी भूमि में स्थापित किया है!" मुस्लिम खुश हुए।

नेगस ने नाइल के तट पर विद्रोहियों से मुलाकात की।

मुसलमानों का पहला प्रवास 615 या रजब (सितंबर-अक्तूबर) 613 को हज़रत मुहम्मद ने अपने अनुयाइयों से कहा कि मक्का के लोग मुसलमानों को सताने लगे हैं, मक्का में दिन दूभर होगये हैं, इस लिये इथियोपिया के नेगस जो ईसाई धर्म का मानने वाला सच्चा ईसाई है, वह एकेश्वरोपासकों की क़द्र करता है, वहां चले जायें।

नेगुस, कीथ, (1999) म्यूज़िक जेनरेस एंड कॉर्पोरेट कल्चर्स, रूटलेज, आईएसबीएन 0-415-17399-X.।

उन्होंने तब तक देखा जब तक नेगस ने विद्रोहियों को पराजित किया था, फिर मुसलमानों के लिए तैर गए।

नागसर का क्षेत्रफल 12005 बीघा था, लेकिन उटारौली, नौली, को अलग किया गया नेगसर परगना और एक और जमींदारी बनाई गई।

negus's Usage Examples:

The negus next marched against Menelek, king of Shoa, whose neutrality Italy had purchased with 5000 Remington.

On the 28th of March 1888 the negus indeed descended from the Abyssinian high plateau in the direction of Saati, but finding the Italian position too strong to be carried by assault, temporized and opened negotiations for peace.

Measures, apparently successful, were taken to reassure the negus, but shortly afterwards protection inopportunely accorded by Italy to enemies of Ras Alula, induced the Abyssinians to enter upon hostilities.

The extension of the Italian zone excited the suspicions of John, negus of Abyssinia, whose apprehensions were assiduously fomented by Alula, ras of Tigr, and by French and Greek adventurers.

Later emperors built other castles and palaces, the latest in date being that of the Negus Yesu II.

Melicoth at once proclaimed himself negus, and by sending for Massaja, who had arrived at Gondar, gave rise to the suspicion that he wished to have himself crowned as emperor.

Gondar was a small village when at the beginning of the 16th century it was chosen by the Negus Sysenius (Seged I.) as the capital of his kingdom.

The fugitive meanwhile arrived safely in Shoa, and was there acclaimed as negus.

He also established a reputation as a preacher, and having been summoned to court, succeeded in vanquishing the native priests and in converting Za-Denghel, the negus, who wrote to the pope and the king of Spain for more missionaries, an act of zeal which involved him in civil war with the Abyssinian priests (who dreaded the influence of Paez) and ultimately cost him his life (Oct.

had addressed to Prester John to the Negus Alexander of Abyssinia, but he was detained by that prince and never allowed to leave the country.

negus's Meaning':

wine and hot water with sugar and lemon juice and nutmeg


vino, wine, mulled wine,


generic, generic wine, varietal wine, varietal,

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