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necessaries Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

necessaries ka kya matlab hota hai



टट्टी, स्र्पये, धन,


अलंघ्य, लाज़िमी,

necessaries शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

हितहरिवंश (राधावल्लभी संप्र.), हरिदास (टट्टी संप्र.), गदाधर भट्ट और सूरदास मदनमोहन (गौड़ीय संप्र.) आदि अनेक कवियों ने विभिन्न मतों के अनुसार कृष्णप्रेम की मार्मिक कल्पनाएँ कीं।

बीजक के आठवें प्रकरण 'चाचर' में माया के फगुवा खेल एवं धोखे की टट्टी का विशद वर्णन है।

मरीज का मूत्र व टट्टी पर नियंत्रण समाप्त होने से उसके कपडे गन्दे पाये जा सकते हैं।

टट्टी कड़ी होने पर इसमें खून भी आ सकता है।

मुँह में टट्टी चली गयी पर योगेश सचमुच "योगेश" हो गये।


फेब्राइल कन्वल्शन के समय अधिकांश बच्चों में शरीर का तापमान १०२ डिग्री फेरेन्हाईट के आसपास होता है, खास कर तब जब थर्मामीटर को रेक्टम (गुदाद्वार, टट्टी करने का छिद्र) में लगाकर जांचा गया हो।

मुचिन खेंदर का पहचान जाता है कि जब आदमी उल्टी-टट्टी करते हुए मर जाता है उसका हर जा बीमार माना जाता है।

पौधे एलएच की जड़ों का उपयोग विशेष प्रकार का पर्दा बनाने में होता है जिसे ‘खस की टट्टी’ कहते हैं।

उसके बाद टट्टी पेशाब से भरी बाल्टी उनके ऊपर उँडेल दी।

शौच (टट्टी) करने के बाद साफ करते समय उसी टट्टी में लोट-पोट हो जाती थी।

टट्टी के बाद अपने से अन्दर चला जाता है।

दिन में 12 से लेकर 24 तथा उससे भी अधिक बार टट्टी होती है तथा मल में अधिकांश भाग श्लेष्मा (mucus), पूय (pus) तथा गाढ़ा रक्त रहता है।

necessaries's Usage Examples:

These both approved his plan; the one promised to teach him without payment and the other to provide him with the necessaries of life.

Owing to this resolution, and to the jealousy of Hasan Maimandi, who often refused to advance him sufficient for the necessaries of life, Firdousi passed the later portion of his life in great privation, though enjoying the royal favour and widely extended fame.

Thus, you see, with my herbarium, my vibratory, and my semi-circumgyratory, I am in clover; and you may imagine with what scorn I think of the House of Commons, which, comfortable club as it is said to be, could offer me none of these comforts, or, more perfectly speaking, these necessaries of life."

The climate is generally such as to secure the population the necessaries of life without severe labour; the extremes of heat and drought are such as to render the land unsuitable for pasture, and the people everywhere subsist by cultivation of the soil or commerce, and live in settled villages or towns.

But this was not enough for the inquisitor-general, who in the following month (April) issued orders to forbid Christians, under severe penalties, having any communication with the Jews or, -after the period of grace, to supply them even with the necessaries of life.

Wages vary greatly in different parts of Italy, according to the cost of the necessaries of life, the degree of development of working-class needs and the state of working-class organization, which in some places has succeeded in increasing the rates of pay.

Wages are higher, the cost of the prime necessaries of life is, as a rule, lower, though taxation on some of them is still enormous; so that the remuneration of work has improved.

corner were the necessaries (V), also built, as usual, above the swiftly flowing stream.

In this revocation the Apocalyptist saw the menace of a famine of the necessaries of life, while the luxuries would remain unaffected.

And if the civilized man's pursuits are no worthier than the savage's, if he is employed the greater part of his life in obtaining gross necessaries and comforts merely, why should he have a better dwelling than the former?


requisite, necessity, obligatory, essential, incumbent, needful, required, indispensable, needed,


indispensableness, optional, inessential, unnecessary, dispensable,

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