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mowbray Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

mowbray ka kya matlab hota hai




mowbray शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

मोरे के अनुसार मदीना में अवतरित २४ में से, १९ सूराओं (संखया २, ३, ४, ५, ८, ९, २२, २४, ३३, ४७, ४८, ४९, ५७-६१, ६३ और ६६) में जिहाद का व्यापक र्वान है (इस्लाम दी मेकर ऑफ मेन, पृत्र ३३६)।

इनके लेखों तथा भाषणों का संग्रह "मोरेलिया" के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है।

इसमें प्रवाल और 2,000 से भी अधिक प्रकार की मछलियां हैं, रीफ मछली से लेकर रीफ शार्क, मोरे इल्ज़ और कई प्रकार की रे मछालियाँ: मानता रेज़, स्टिंग रे और ईगल रे. मालदीवी जल व्हेल शार्क के लिए घर भी है।

भारत मक्तूब किरण मोरे और चंद्रकांत पंडित जैसे युवा रखवाले के लिए और कड़ी मेहनत की कोशिश के बावजूद, किरमानी उसकी जगह योसोफी करने में सक्षम नहीं था।


यहाँ आने वाले पक्षियों में सबसे सुन्दर पछी ' कौरमोरेंट ' है।

1869 - मोरेलोस को मेक्सिको के 27 वें राज्य के रूप में भर्ती किया गया।

लुइस मोरेरी ने 1674 में एक विश्वकोश की रचना की जिसमें इतिहास, वंशानुसंक्रमण तथा जीवनचरित् संबंधी निबंधों का समावेश था।

आ साजन मोरे नयनन में सो पलक ढाप तोहे दूँ,।

जीत गयी तो पिया मोरे हारी पी के संग।

बलवंत मोरेश्वर पुरंदरे।

कराँची -- जमशोरो -- थट्टा -- बादिन -- थारपारकर -- उमरकोट -- मीरपुर ख़ास -- टंडो अल्लहयार -- नौशहरो फ़िरोज़ -- टंडो मुहम्मद ख़ान -- हैदराबाद -- संगहार -- खैरपुर -- नवाबशाह -- दादु -- क़म्बर शहदाकोट -- लरकाना -- -- घोटकी -- शिकारपुर -- जैकोबाबाद -- सुक्कुर -- काशमोरे

mowbray's Usage Examples:

But three earls of his own house - Carlisle, Suffolk and Berkshire - and the Lord Howard of Escrick, an ex-trooper of Cromwell's guard and an anabaptist sectary, gave their votes against him, his nephew Mowbray being the only peer of his name in the minority for acquittal.

Thus it befell that, of the chiefs of the Howards born since the great Mowbray alliance, two had died by the axe and one in the prison from which a fourth had hardly escaped.

The Mowbray match had already brought to the Howards the representation of an elder line of the Fitzalan earls, who sat in the seats of their ancestors, the Aubignys and Warennes, great earls near akin to their sovereigns.

A lion's share of the Mowbray estates, swollen by the great alliances of the house, heir of Breouse and Segrave, and, through Segrave, of Thomas of Brotherton, son of Edward I., fell to Howard, who, by a patent of June 28, 1483, was created duke of Norfolk and earl marshal of England with a remainder to the heirs male of his body.

By the death of this little girl, John Howard became one of the coheirs of her illustrious house, which was now represented by the issue of Margaret Mowbray, his mother, and of her sister Isabel, who had married James, Lord Berkeley.

The last of the dukes of Norfolk had left a child heir, Anne Mowbray, married to the infant duke of York, the younger of the princes doomed by Richard in the Tower.

Sir John Howard, only son of the match between Howard and Mowbray, took service with his cousin the third duke of Norfolk, who had him returned as knight of the shire for Norfolk, where, according to the Paston Letters, this Howard of the Essex branch was regarded by the gentry as a strange man.

But his bride was Margaret Mowbray, daughter of the banished duke of Norfolk.

His first wife died in 1563, and in 1572 he married a cousin, Elizabeth Mowbray, by whom he had three sons, the eldest of whom was named Alexander.'

His descendants held the borough and the manor of Horsham, and through them they passed to the family of Mowbray, afterwards dukes of Norfolk.

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