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moldavia Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

moldavia ka kya matlab hota hai


पूर्वी यूरोप में एक लैंडलॉक गणराज्य; पूर्व में एक यूरोपीय सोवियत लेकिन 1991 में आजादी हासिल की



moldavia शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

एक तथ्य कि खुद रोमानियन अपने आप को Romanus (रोमानस) (Român/Rumân) का व्युत्पन्न कहते हैं, का उल्लेख 16 वीं शताब्दी में कई लेखकों के द्वारा किया गया, इस तथ्य का उल्लेख करने वालों में ट्रांसिल्वेनिया, मोलदाविया और वलाकिया में यात्रा करने वाले मानवतावादी इटालवी लेखक भी शामिल हैं।

एक तथ्य कि खुद रोमानियन अपने आप को Romanus (रोमानस) (Român/Rumân) का व्युत्पन्न कहते हैं, का उल्लेख 16 वीं शताब्दी में कई लेखकों के द्वारा किया गया, इस तथ्य का उल्लेख करने वालों में ट्रांसिल्वेनिया, मोलदाविया और वलाकिया में यात्रा करने वाले मानवतावादी इटालवी लेखक भी शामिल हैं।

20. रिलीन क्यूवंटुलुई (प्लेगेट ई फजलस) कविता मोलदाविया 2018।

20. रिलीन क्यूवंटुलुई (प्लेगेट ई फजलस) कविता मोलदाविया 2018।

moldavia's Usage Examples:

Their opportunity came in 1820, when the Porte was striving to repress the insurrections in Moldavia, Albania and Greece.

The town rises from a marshy plain, east of the Carpathians, and west of the cornlands of southern Moldavia.

Suczawa is a very old town and was until 1565 the capital of the principality of Moldavia.

Here, on the 14th of September 1829, was signed a treaty by which the Porte ceded to Russia the islands at the mouth of the Danube and several districts on the Asiatic frontier, granted full liberty to Russian navigation and commerce in the Black Sea, and guaranteed the autonomous rights previously accorded to Moldavia, Walachia and Servia.

Akerman, by which the autonomy of Moldavia,Walachia and Servia was confirmed, free passage of the straits was secured for merchant ships and disputed territory on the Asiatic frontier was annexed, and in July 1827 he signed with England and France the treaty of London for the solution of the Greek question by the mediation of the Powers.

Upon Russia declaring war against Turkey in 1853, he was appointed commander-in-chief of the troops which occupied Moldavia and Wallachia.

WALACHIA, or Wallachia, a former principality of southeastern Europe, constituting, after its union with Moldavia on the 9th of November 1859, a part of Rumania.

They still contain many old and valuable ecclesiastical objects of art, although a great part has been removed to the various monasteries in Moldavia.

Tecuci has a large transit trade in grain, timber, cattle and horses, on their way from northern and eastern Moldavia to the Danubian ports.

During his reign Poland suffered much humiliation from the attempts of her subject principalities, Prussia and Moldavia, to throw off her yoke.

moldavia's Meaning':

a landlocked republic in eastern Europe; formerly a European soviet but achieved independence in 1991

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