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misfortunes Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

misfortunes ka kya matlab hota hai



आफ़त, विगति, अभाग्य, दुर्गति,

misfortunes शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

जंग, आफ़ताब, फ़ौज आदि शब्दों का खुल कर प्रयोग हुआ है।

आफ़ताब शिवदेसानी - डॉ॰ अनमोल आचार्य।

2008 में बनी हिन्दी फ़िल्म आफ़ताब शिवदेसानी (जन्म: 25 जून, 1978) हिन्दी फ़िल्मों के एक अभिनेता हैं।

बहरहाल, यह फ़िल्म उनकी दूसरी फ़िल्म प्यार, इश्क़ और मोहब्बत के बाद जारी की गई थी, जिसमें उन्होंने सुनील शेट्टी और आफ़ताब शिवदासानी के साथ काम किया था।

25 जून - आफ़ताब शिवदेसानी - हिन्दी फि्ल्मों के अभिनेता।

आफ़त आने पर यह सम्भव है कि आप और आपके घरवाले दफ्तर/कर्मस्थल/पाठशाला में फंस जायें।

उनकी कला के सम्मान में राष्ट्रपति फ़ख़रूद्दीन अली अहमद ने उन्हें आफ़ताब-ए-सितार का सम्मान दिया था और ये सम्मान पानेवाले वे एकमात्र सितारवादक थे।

इसमें अपनी बॉलीवुड की दुसरी फिल्म में आफ़ताब शिवदासानी और अपनी बॉलीवुड की शुरुआत में लीसा रे शामिल हैं।

आफ़त आने पर यह सम्भव है की आप और आपके घरवाले दफ्तर/कर्मस्थल/पाठशाला में फंस जायें।

आफ़ताब शिवदासानी - शेखर सक्सेना।

फिल्म एक अमीर और जाने-माने पत्रकार शेखर (आफ़ताब शिवदासानी) की पत्नी प्रीति की हत्या से शुरू होती है।

आफ़ताब शिवदेसानी - अमन पुरी।

प्रगति, परागति, परिगति, प्रतिगति, अनुगति, अधिगति, अपगति, अतिगति, आगति, अवगति, उपगति, उद्गति, सुगति, संगति, निगति, निर्गति, विगति, दुर्गति, अवगति, अभिगति, गति, गन्तव्य, गम्य, गमनीय, गमक, जंगम, गम्यमान, गत्वर, गमनिका आदि कुछ उदाहरण हैं।

| २००० || आफ़ताब शिवदेशानी || मस्त।

''प्रगति, परागति, परिगति, प्रतिगति, अनुमति, अधिगति, अपगति, अतिगति, आगति, अवगति, उपगति, उद्गति, सुगति, संगति, निगति, निर्गति, विगति, दुर्गति, अवगति, अभिगति, गति, गन्तव्य, गम्य, गमनीय, गमक, जंगम, गम्यमान, गत्वर, गमनिका।

misfortunes's Usage Examples:

This latter question had not presented itself to the prophet's mind; his object was simply to correct the opinion of the people that their present misfortunes were due not to their own faults but to those of their predecessors.

"The Duke of Oldenburg bears his misfortunes with admirable strength of character and resignation," remarked Boris, joining in respectfully.

He was so affected by this proof of universal sympathy with his misfortunes that he went home, fell sick and died.

What followed in the second and third years of the Celman administration can only adequately be described as a debauchery of the national honour, of the national resources, of the rights of Argentines as citizens of the republic. Buenos Aires was still prostrate under the crushing blow of the misfortunes of 1880, and lacked strength and power of organization necessary to raise any effective protest against the proceedings of Celman and his friends when the true character of these proceedings was first understood.

Evidently she could speak of Russia's misfortunes with a certain artificiality, but her brother was too near her heart and she neither could nor would speak lightly of him.

In spite of the misfortunes of the last years of his reign, Podébrad's memory has always been cherished by the Bohemians.

He remembered a general impression of the misfortunes and sufferings of people and of being worried by the curiosity of officers and generals who questioned him, he also remembered his difficulty in procuring a conveyance and horses, and above all he remembered his incapacity to think and feel all that time.

Your misfortunes are cruel, but His Majesty the Emperor and King desires to arrest their course.

Custozza and Lissa were not Italys only misfortunes in i866.

He desires to end your misfortunes and restore you to your homes and families.


knock, bad luck, cataclysm, adversity, catastrophe, pity, mishap, misadventure, shame, disaster, hardship, mischance, trouble, tragedy, calamity,


well-being, unite, take, bad luck, success,

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