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misdemeanours Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

misdemeanours ka kya matlab hota hai



तुच्छ जुर्म, दुराचार, अपराध, दुष्कर्म,

misdemeanours शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

तुम मुझे दुराचारिणी मत समझ बैठना।

इसके बाद इसी रेडियो स्टेशन ने गांधी जी का भारत छोड़ो का संदेश, मेरठ में 300 सैनिकों के मारे जाने की ख़बर, कुछ महिलाओं के साथ अंग्रेज़ों के दुराचार जैसी ख़बरों का प्रसारण किया जिसे समाचारपत्रों में सेंसर के कारण प्रकाशित नहीं किया गया था।

इस अवतार में भगवान् ने विशिष्ट लीलाओं द्वारा सबको चकित करते हुए दुराचारी कंस का वध किया; और विख्यात महाभारत-युद्ध में गीता-उपदेश द्वारा अर्जुन को युद्ध हेतु तत्पर करके विभिन्न विषम उपायों का भी सहारा लेकर कौरवों के विध्वंश के बहाने पृथ्वी के लिए भारस्वरूप प्रायः समस्त राजाओं को ससैन्य नष्ट करवा दिया।

किसी का हक मारकर या शोषण करके कुछ पाना दुराचार है।

अधर्म- विरुद्धाचरण, धर्मोल्लघंन, नीतिभंग, अपराध, कल्मष, दुरित, अघ, दोष, कुकर्म, पातक, अपकर्म, पाप, दुष्कर्म, दुराचार, अनाचार, पापकर्म, गुनाह।

यदि वह सदाचारी हुई तो आनंद व प्रकाश में वास पाएगी और यदि दुराचारी हुई तो अंधकार व नैराश्य की गहराइयों में जाएगी, लेकिन दुराचारी आत्मा की यह स्थिति भी अस्थायी है।

गाज़ीपुर का शिरकर 1757 में उत्पीड़न और दुराचार के लिए निष्कासित होने तक फजल अली के प्रभारी रहा और गाजीपुर के शिरकर को तीनों सरकारों के साथ फिर से जोड़ा गया और बलवंत सिंह के प्रबंधन के अधीन रखा गया।

सदाचारी, जो विश्व का संवर्द्धन करते हैं तथा दुराचारी, जो इसकी प्रगति को रोकते हैं।

आपलोग इस दुराचारी से मेरी रक्षा कीजिए, मैं आपके शरण में आयी हूँ।

अत्याचार- अन्याय, ज्यादती विरुद्धाचरण, शीलाघात, हिंसा, अनाचार, दुष्टता, व्यभिचार, पाप, दुराचार, बलात्कार, आडम्बर, पाखंड, ढकोसला।

प्रथम भाव में अर्थात लग्न में केतु हो तो जातक चंचल, भीरू, दुराचारी होता है।

জজজ रूपा, कैलाशी नानी, बिआल्हा, कल्याणी, दो साथी, प्रोफेसर मित्रा, दुराचारी व मंगला - ८ कहानियों की कथावस्तु नारी प्रधान पारिवारिक सामाजिक समस्यायें हैं।

माता पिता की आज्ञा लेकर मणि कुंडल जी गौतम के साथ चल दिए दूसरे नगर पहुंचकर गौतम ने मणि कुंडल जी को दुराचार एवं व्यसनों हेतु प्रेरित किया ।

misdemeanours's Usage Examples:

He had aristocratic privileges and responsibilities, the right to exact retaliation for corporal injuries, and liability to heavier punishment for crimes and misdemeanours, higher fees and fines to pay.

Russell, Crimes and Misdemeanours (3 vols., 1896); Archbold's Pleading and Evidence in Criminal Cases (1900); Roscoe's Evidence in Criminal Cases (1898); Treub, van Oppenraag and Vlaming, The Right to Life of the Unborn Child (New York, 1903); L.

Making a false affidavit as to age or as to other facts required by the act, and the violation of the act by any agent or representative of a factory or by any parent or guardian of a child are misdemeanours.

Nineteen judges elected for terms of eight years in eighteen circuits compose the circuit court, the judges of which have original jurisdiction of matters involving more than "50; of all cases of habeas corpus, mandamus, quo warranto and prohibition; of all cases in equity; and of all crimes and misdemeanours.

The six years that followed the great rout of the orthodox Whigs were years of repose for the country, but it was now that Burke engaged in the most laborious and formidable enterprise of his life, the impeachment of Warren Hastings for high crimes and misdemeanours in his government of India.

The judicial system, revised by a constitutional amendment of 1891, consists of a supreme court of three members, elected for a term of six years, with civil jurisdiction only, largely appellate; a court of criminal appeals, of three members, elected for six years, with appellate jurisdiction in criminal cases; courts of civil appeals (number determined by the legislature) of three members each, elected for six years; district courts, each with one judge, elected for four years, with original jurisdiction in the more important civil and criminal (felony) cases and a limited appellate jurisdiction; county and justice of the peace courts with original jurisdiction in misdemeanours and petty civil cases.

For seven long years Hastings was upon his defence on the charge of "high crimes and misdemeanours."

In addition to their functions as guardians of the poor, the parish members have to investigate crimes and punish misdemeanours, settle litigations and divide inheritances.

office of secretary for the department of war "; the fifth, that Johnson had conspired with Thomas to " prevent and hinder the execution " of the Tenure of Office Act; the sixth, that he had conspired with Thomas " to seize, take and possess the property of the United States in the department of war," in violation of the Tenure of Office Act; the seventh, that this action was " a high misdemeanour "; the eighth, that the appointment of Thomas was " with intent unlawfully to control the disbursements of the moneys appropriated for the military service and for the department of war "; the ninth, that he had instructed Major-General Emory, in command of the department of Washington, that an act of 1867 appropriating money for the army was unconstitutional; the tenth, that his speeches in 1866 constituted " a high misdemeanour in office "; and the eleventh, the " omnibus " article, that he had committed high misdemeanours in saying that the 39th Congress was not an authorized Congress, that its legislation was not binding upon him, and that it was incapable of proposing amendments.

They may also try misdemeanours in counties without other criminal jurisdiction.


disorderly conduct, criminal offense, violation, law-breaking, crime, misdemeanor, infringement, disturbance of the peace, false pretense, indecent exposure, infraction, offense, bearing false witness, disorderly behavior, offence, criminal offence, false pretence, public nudity, lying under oath, perjury, sedition, breach of the peace,


defense, defence,

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