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metamorphoses Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

metamorphoses ka kya matlab hota hai



रूप बदलना, रूपांतरित होना,

metamorphoses शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

इसकी प्रगति के लिए मुख्यत: भूतल की तपन तथा उसकी ऊँचाई से वाष्प का जल में रूपांतरित होना नियंत्रित होता है।

2) ऊर्जा की अवश्यकता समुचित पूर्ति को ध्यान में रखकर उत्पाद/पैमाना/संदर्भ से मेल खाते उपकरण/पद्धतियाँ/ऊर्जा का विचार करते हुए उत्पाद/प्रक्रियाओं का स्वरूप बदलना

कम व्यवहृत मीम विलुप्त हो जाते हैं, जबकि दूसरे बच सकते हैं, संचारित हो सकते हैं और और उत्परिवर्तित (रूप बदलना)(अच्छे या बुरे के लिए) हो सकते हैं।

भारत में हिन्दी टी वी चैनल रूपविज्ञान के सन्दर्भ में, किसी वाक्य, मुहावरा या वाक्यांश में संज्ञा या सर्वनाम का क्रिया के साथ उनके सम्बन्ध के अनुसार रूप बदलना कारक कहलाता है।

संगठन बाह्य पर्यावरण के संपर्क में आता है जिसमें विभिन्न सामाजिक, आर्थिक एवं राजनैतिक तत्व सम्मिलित होते हैं सामान्यता के लिए संगठन को, अपने आपको एवं अपने उद्देश्यों को पर्यावरण के अनुरूप बदलना होता है।

metamorphoses's Usage Examples:

Metamorphoses into stones are as common among Red Indians and Australians as in Greek mythology.

But is there any known stage of the human intellect in which these divine adventures, and the metamorphoses of men into animals, trees, stars, and converse with the dead, and all else that puzzles us in the civilized mythologies, are regarded as possible incidents of daily human life?

Aeschylus and Sophocles wrote tragedies upon it; Ovid has described it at length in his Metamorphoses.

These gradually become larger, and when so the creature may be said to have entered its "nymph" stage; but there is no condition analogous to the pupa-stage of insects with complete metamorphoses.

No Italian administration since the death of Depretis underwent so many metamorphoses as that of the marquis di Rudini.

Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin, set forth ',in' Zoonomia a much more definite theory of the relation of variation to evolution, and the following passage, cited by Clodd, clearly expresses it: "When we revolve in our minds the metamorphoses of animals, as from the tadpole to the frog; secondly, the changes produced by artificial cultivation, as in the breeds of horses, dogs and sheep; thirdly, the changes produced by conditions of climate and season, as in the sheep of warm climates being covered with hair instead of wool, and the hares and partridges of northern climates becoming white in winter; when, further, we observe the changes of structure produced by habit, as shewn especially by men of different occupations; or the changes produced by artificial mutilation and prenatal influences, as in the crossing of species and production of monsters; fourth, when we observe the essential unity of plan in all warmblooded animals - we are led to conclude that they have been alike produced from a single living filament."

Among his lost works may be mentioned: Aetolica, a prose history of Aetolia; Heteroeumena, a mythological epic, used by Ovid in the Metamorphoses and epitomized by Antoninus Liberalis; Georgica and Melissourgica, of which considerable fragments are preserved, said to have been imitated by Virgil (Quintilian x.

Neckam also wrote Corrogationes Promethei, a scriptural commentary prefaced by a treatise on grammatical criticism; a translation of Aesop into Latin elegiacs (six fables from this version, as given in a Paris MS., are printed in Robert's Fables inedites); commentaries, still unprinted, on portions of Aristotle, Martianus Capella and Ovid's Metamorphoses, and other works.

It is now, in fact, generally admitted that metamorphosis has been acquired comparatively recently, and Scudder in his review of the earliest fossil insects states that " their metamorphoses were simple and incomplete, the young leaving the egg with the form of the parent, but without wings, the assumption of which required no quiescent stage before maturity."

While the goddess took as subjects her quarrel with Poseidon as to the naming and possession of Attica, and the warning examples of those who ventured to pit themselves against the immortals, Arachne depicted the metamorphoses of the gods and their amorous adventures.


revision, transfiguration, alteration,


boil, engage, worsen, die, empty,

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