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mesenteries Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

mesenteries ka kya matlab hota hai


पेरिटोनियम की एक डबल परत जो पेट की गुहा की पिछली दीवार से जुड़ी होती है और छोटी आंतों का समर्थन करती है


आंत का पुट्ठा, अन्त्रपेशी,

mesenteries शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজ शरीर की दीवार के अंदर शरीर की गुहा जो तीन अनुदैर्ध्य अन्त्रपेशी जो चारों ओर और आंतरिक अंगों समर्थन से विभाजित किया जाता है।

mesenteries's Usage Examples:

It appears, however, that the first of these characters is non-existent, and that the so-called mesenteries are simply the concrescence-areas found in all medusae.

The diagnostic features of the class Scyphozoa thus constituted are supposed to be (I) an ectodermal oesophagus or stomodaeum, (2) a gastric cavity subdivided by mesenteries, (3) gonads formed in the endoderm.

At the parting of the ways which led, on the one hand, to modern Scyphomedusae, on the other to Anthozoa (III.), it is probable that the common ancestor was marked by incipient mesenteries and by the limitation of the sexual cells to endoderm.

The sexual cells are borne on the mesenteries in positions irrespective of obvious developmental radii.

The Scyphozoa have the following features in common: - They typically exhibit an ectodermal stomodaeum; partitions or mesenteries project into their coelenteron from the body-wall, and on these are generally concentrated digestive cells (to form mesenterial filaments, phacellae or gastric filaments, 'c.); the external musculature of the body-wall is circular (except in Cerianthus); the internal, longitudinal; and the sexual cells probably always arise in the endoderm.

The Hydromedusae are distinguished from the Scyphozoa chiefly by negative characters; they have no stomodaeum, that is, no ingrowth of ectoderm at the mouth to form an oesophagus; they have no mesenteries (radiating partitions) which incompletely subdivide the coelenteron; and they have no concentration of digestive cells into special organs.

The body is composed of a large number of segments; the prostomium bears a pair of tentacles; the nervous system consists of a brain and longitudinal ventral nerve cords closely connected with the epidermis (without distinct ganglia), widely separated in Saccocirrus, closely approximated in Protodrilus, fused together in Polygordius; the coelom is well developed, the septa are distinct, and the dorsal and ventral longitudinal mesenteries are complete; the nephridia are simple, and open into the coelom.

The polyp (hydropolyp) is of simple structure, and never has an ectodermal oesophagus or mesenteries.

The vascular system itself is quite peculiar, consisting of lacunae and channels destitute of endothelium, situated within the thickness of the basementmembrane of the body-wall, of the gut-wall and of the mesenteries.

The medial portion forms radiating tracts of fibres, the so-called " bell-muscles " running underneath, and parallel to, the radial canals; when greatly developed, as in Tiaridae, they form ridges, so-called mesenteries, projecting into the sub-umbral cavity.

mesenteries's Meaning':

a double layer of peritoneum that attaches to the back wall of the abdominal cavity and supports the small intestines

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