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mergansers Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

mergansers ka kya matlab hota hai


Serrated किनारों के साथ एक पतला hooked बिल रखने वाले बड़े crested मछली खाने वाले डाइविंग डक


गोता मारकर मछली खानेवाली एक बतख,

mergansers's Usage Examples:

Of interest, we did note 14 juvenile Hooded mergansers, a good addition to our trip list and a Common Loon.

Just a single Winter Wren, a couple of American Robins and 3 common mergansers on the nearby lake.

Identify applied research needs related to species recovery Discuss the need for and feasibility of ex situ conservation measures for Brazilian mergansers.

The editors add that half the population of hooded mergansers is semi-resident on the west coast ).

Scaly-sided mergansers have also occurred in North Korea, South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Myanmar, Tibet and Thailand.

A flight of red breasted mergansers was a distraction from the " musical " entertainment.

hooded mergansers is semi-resident on the west coast ).

Within one hour we found a pair of Brasilian Mergansers with at least five downy chicks!

Many ducks breed here, and many others pass through in migration :: of the former, the most numerous are mallard and teal; of the latter, pintail, shoveler, scaup, ring-neck ducks, and mergansers.

Here, too, breed many species of ducks, the mallard, gadwall, baldpate, three species of teal, shoveler, pintail, hooded mergansers, and Canada geese; other ducks and geese are migrants only.

mergansers's Meaning':

large crested fish-eating diving duck having a slender hooked bill with serrated edges

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