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melody Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

melody ka kya matlab hota hai



तराना, स्वर की मधुरता, लय, राग,

melody शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

कविता कोश पर तराना-ए-हिन्द।

|1951 || तराना || ||।

तिल्लाना: उत्तरी भारत में प्रचलित तराना के समान ही कर्नाटक संगीत में तिल्लाना शैली होती है।


उन्होने १९५१ मे तराना मे पुनः साथ-साथ काम किया।

कच्छ को चार क्षेत्रों में बांटा गया है, जिनका नाम है (क) वागड़ (रापार और भचाऊ ताल्लुक़ा और छोटा रण सहित क्षेत्र), (ख) कांठी (सागर तट क्षेत्र जिसमें अंजार मुंद्रा और मांडवी ताल्लुक़ा शामिल हैं, (ग) पस्चम के साथ बन्नी क्षेत्र इसमें भुज, नखतरना और आसपास के क्षेत्र और (घ) मगपत शामिल है जिसमें नखतराना और लखपत ताल्लुक़ा का हिस्सा शामिल है।

अन्य मुख्य कस्बे हैं गांधीधाम, रापर, नखतराना, अंजार, मांडवी, माधापार, मुंद्रा और भचाऊ।

आनाकानी- उपेक्षा, अनसुनी, कतराना, टालना, बहाना करना, बचाना, जी चुराना।

उज्जैन जिले की तहसील तराना का ग्राम कनासिया फ़ौज़ी गाँव के नाम से प्रसिध्द है।

अलापना- गीत गाना, गाना गाना, गायन गाना, तराना छेड़ना, स्वरकंपन करना, राग छेड़ना।

आजकल का तराना निर्गीत की कोटि में आएगा।

महाभारत के पात्र सारे जहाँ से अच्छा या तराना-ए-हिन्दी उर्दू भाषा में लिखी गई देशप्रेम की एक ग़ज़ल है जो भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के दौरान ब्रिटिश राज के विरोध का प्रतीक बनी और जिसे आज भी देश-भक्ति के गीत के रूप में भारत में गाया जाता है।

|1993 || प्यार का तराना ||।

melody's Usage Examples:

Iceland has always borne a high renown for song, but has never produced a poet of the highest order, the qualities which in other lands were most sought for and admired in poetry being in Iceland lavished on the saga, a prose epic, while Icelandic poetry is to be rated very high for the one quality which its authors have ever aimed at - melody of sound.

On the other hand, in a collection intended for synagogue use - and the second collection of psalms is as a whole far more suitable to a synagogue than to the Temple - where there would not be a large choir and orchestra of skilled musicians, it would obviously be desirable to state whether the psalm was to be sung to a Davidic, Asaphic or Korahite tone, or to give the name of a melody appropriate to it.

Although Coleridge had, for many years before his death, almost entirely forsaken poetry, the few fragments of work which remain, written in later years, show little trace of weakness, although they are wanting in the unearthly melody which imparts such a charm to Kubla Khan, Love and Youth and Age.

Melody must not make more than one wide skip in the same direction, because by so doing it would cause an awkward change of vocal register.

The ring and melody which they all possess is their chief beauty.

But many hold that his letters and essays are finer contributions to pure literature, and that on these exquisite mixtures of wisdom, pathos, melody and humour his fame is likely to be ultimately based.

The males appear to compete with each other in the brilliancy of their melody, in order to attract the females, which, according to the German naturalist Johann Matthaiis Bechstein always select the best singers for their mates.

Thomas Moore, who warmly eulogizes Emmet, with whom he was a student at Trinity College, records that one day when he was playing on the piano the melody "Let Erin remember," Emmet started up exclaiming passionately, "Oh, that I were at the head of 20,000 men marching to that air!"

He coaxed one melody after another from the old piano, and then finally he folded the lid down.

The melody grew and passed from one instrument to another.


signature tune, musical theme, strain, leitmotif, musical phrase, voice, melodic theme, air, line, flourish, signature, part, theme, phrase, fanfare, idea, theme song, leitmotiv, tucket, roulade, glissando, melodic phrase, music, melodic line, tune,


misconception, conception, inactivity, monophonic music, polyphonic music,

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