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medusae Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

medusae ka kya matlab hota hai


(ग्रीक पौराणिक कथाओं

medusae शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

साधारणतया ये बड़े तथा हाइड्रोजोआ (Hydrozoa) के मेडुसी (medusae) से भारी होते हैं।


साइफ़ोज़ोआ तथा हाइड्रोज़ोआ के मेडुसी में मुख्य अंतर यह है कि साइफ़ोज़ोआ के मेडुसी में, वीलम (velam) अनुपस्थित रहता है, आमाशय में आमाशयी तंतु (gastric filaments) उपस्थित रहते हैं तथा आमाशय के भीतरी कोष्ठों से बने आंतरिक जनन अंग पाए जाते हैं जबकि हाइड्रोज़ोआ में ऐसा नहीं होता।

केवल मेडुसी ही लैंगिक होता है और अंडाणु (ova) तथा शुक्राणु (spermatozoa) उत्पन्न करता है।

medusae's Usage Examples:

Further, two distinct types of otocyst can be recognized in the Hydro medusae; that of the Leptolinae, in which the entire organ is ectodermal, concrement-cells and all, and the organ is not a tentaculocyst; and that of the Trachylinae, in which the organ is a tentaculocyst, and the concrement-cells are endodermal, derived from the endoderm of the modified tentacle, while the rest of the organ is ectodermal.

- Muscular Cells of Medusae (Lizzia).

In contrast with the polyp, the longitudinal muscle-system is entirely ectodermal, there being no endodermal muscles in craspedote medusae.

The sub-umbrella invariably shows a velum as an inwardly projecting ridge or rim at its margin, within the circle .of tentacles; hence the medusae of this sub-class are termed craspedote.

23 and 25); and, fourthly, in structure, being hollow or solid, as in the polyp. In some medusae, for instance, the remarkable deep-sea family Pectyllidae, the tentacles may bear suckers, by which the animal may attach itself temporarily.

habit in Hydro medusae.

A, colony of but grow in all planes Lar;B and C, young and adult medusae.

Naked- cation is seen when the eyed Medusae.

- All known hydropolyps possess the power of reproduction by budding, and the buds produced may become either polyps or medusae.

To establish the exact relationship it is necessary not only to breed but to rear the medusa, which cannot always be done in 1 In some cases hydroids have been reared in aquaria from ova of medusae, but these hydroids have not yet been found in the sea (Browne [Io a]).

medusae's Meaning':

(Greek mythology

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