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mediated Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

mediated ka kya matlab hota hai



आधा करना, दलाली करना, बीच-बचाव करना, मध्यस्थता करना,

mediated शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

1998 के शुरू में वीडियो कोडिंग विशेषज्ञ समूह (VCEG - आईटीयू-टी SG16 Q.6) H.26L नामक एक परियोजना के प्रस्ताव को जारी किया और अनुप्रयोगों के विविध प्रकार के लिए कोई अन्य मौजूदा वीडियो कोडिंग मानक की तुलना में इसके कोडिंग कुशलता को दोहरा (जिसका अर्थ था दिए गए फिडलिटी स्तर के बिट दर को आधा करना आवश्यक है) करने का उद्देश्य रखा।

हत्याएं और दूसरे अपराध चलते रहते हैं, लेकिन मुख्य मिशन को करते हुए कभी कभी टैक्सी चलाना, आगजनी का सामना करना, दलाली करना, स्ट्रीट रेसिंग, बस ड्राइविंग, फिक्स्ड-विंग एयरक्राफ्ट चलाने जैसे वैकल्पिक एडवेंचर भी इस गेम के दौरान, मुख्य मिशन को पूरा करने के समय एक अपवाद के साथ, किसी भी समय अलग से किये जा सकते हैं।

mediated's Usage Examples:

The following plan of the epistle may help to make apparent the writer's theory of Christianity as distinct from Judaism, which is related to it as "shadow" to reality: Thesis: The finality of the form of religion mediated in God's Son, i.

Only a statesman of genius could have mediated for twenty years, as he did, between the church and the schismatics without alienating the sympathies of either.

In 1848 he supported Denmark against Germany; placed Swedish and Norwegian troops in cantonments in Fiinen and North Schleswig (1849-1850); and mediated the truce of Malmo (August 26th, 1848).

Meanwhile in the Western Church the subject of sin and grace, and the relation of divine and human activity in salvation, received especial attention; and finally, at the second council of Orange in 529, after both Pelagianism and semi-Pelagianism had been repudiated, a moderate form of Augustinianism was adopted,, involving the theory that every man as a result of the fall is in such a condition that he can take no steps in the direction of salvation until he has been renewed by the divine grace given in baptism, and that he cannot continue in the good thus begun except by the constant assistance of that grace, which is mediated only by the Catholic Church.

From both points of view Christianity is a supernatural system without which salvation is impossible, and in the Christian Church it is preserved and mediated to the world.

Mediation has also been occasionally employed where differences have arisen as to the interpretation of treaties or as to the mode in which they ought to be carried out: as when Great Britain mediated between France and the United States with regard to the Treaty of Paris of the 4th of July 1830.

The new pope Boniface VIII., elected in 1294 at Naples under the auspices of King Charles, mediated between the latter and James, and a most dishonourable treaty was signed: James was to marry Charles's daughter Bianca and was promised the investiture by the pope of Sardinia and Corsica, while he was to leave the Angevin a free hand in Sicily and even to assist him if the Sicilians resisted.

of England had mediated to make peace, and Charles was liberated on the understanding that he was to retain Naples alone, Sicily being left to the Aragonese; Charles was also to induce his cousin Charles of Valois to renounce for twenty thousand pounds of silver the kingdom of Aragon which had been given to him by Pope Martin IV.

At the same time it mediated between the companies and the employees, and in June a settlement was formally concluded between the ministers of public works and of the treasury and the directors of the companies concerning the grievances of the employees.

Their resentment was all the more bitter when at the instance of the pope he mediated between them and Hungary and brought about peace on terms unfavourable to the republic. He received Feltre, Belluno and Cividale from the Hungarian king, but in 1369 a frontier dispute led to war between him and Venice.




mediacy, immediate,

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