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meddling Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

meddling ka kya matlab hota hai




meddling शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

भूमि उछाल और बेदखल के खिलाफ भूमि उचचेड प्रतिरोध समिति (बीयूपीसी) का गठन किया गया था।

राष्ट्रपति के तौर पर उन्होंने कभी भी अपने संवैधानिक अधिकारों में प्रधानमंत्री या कांTग्रेस को दखलअंदाजी का मौका नहीं दिया और हमेशा स्वतन्त्र रूप से कार्य करते रहे।

लेकिन दूसरी बार सत्ता से बेदखल किए जाने तक उनकी छवि पूरी तरह बदल चुकी थी।

आम्बेडकर ब्रिटिश शासन की विफलताओं से भी असंतुष्ट थे, उन्होंने अछूत समुदाय के लिये एक ऐसी अलग राजनीतिक पहचान की वकालत की जिसमे कांग्रेस और ब्रिटिश दोनों की ही कोई दखल ना हो।

भारतीय सेना ने पाकिस्तानी घुसपैठियों की पूरी बेदखली की घोषणा की।

१९२२ में उन्होंने बेदखली की समस्या पर आधारित प्रेमाश्रम उपन्यास प्रकाशित किया।

औरंगजेब के सत्ता पर असिन होने के बाद, जब अपने सभी विरोधियो को जागीर और सत्ता से बेदखल किया, उस समय, रतलाम के राजा रतन सिंह को भी हटा दिया था और उन्हें अपना अंतिम समय मंदसौर जिले के सीतामऊ में बिताना पड़ा था और उनकी मृत्यु भी सीतामऊ में भी हुई, जहाँ पर आज भी उनकी समाधी की छतरिया बनी हुई हैं।


आगे उसकी योजना भारतीय राजनीति में दखल देने की थी।

चेरो राजवंश के कमजोर होने के साथ ईस्ट इण्डिया कम्पनी का इस क्षेत्र में दखल हुआ।

२०१४ की क्राँति एवं रूस का सैन्य दखल

लेकिन औद्योगीकरण का नतीजा हुआ कि वहाँ बाहरी लोगों का दखल और भी बढ गया और बड़ी सँख्या में लोग कारखानों में काम के लिये वहाँ आने लगे।

[१४] 9 नवंबर 1947 को बारामुला से भारतीय सेना को हमलावरों (जो पाकिस्तानी नियमित रूप से शामिल हो गए थे और अच्छी तरह से घेर लिया गया था) को बेदखल करने में दो सप्ताह लग गए।

इस प्रावधान से अब दलित प्रतिनिधि को चुनने में सामान्य वर्ग का कोई दखल शेष नहीं रहा था।

meddling's Usage Examples:

Moreover, he was not, like Lincoln, a great manager of men; he often acted without tact; he was charged with being domineering and autocratic, and at various times he was seriously hampered by the meddling of the Confederate Congress and the opposition of such men as the vice-president, A.

Perhaps this, as well as his meddling with astrology, caused him to be charged with practising magic, the particular accusations being that he brought back into his purse, by the aid of the devil, all the money he paid away, and that he possessed the philosopher's stone.

Already in 1884 he had warned the French clergy against meddling in royalist intrigues; in 1892 he issued a much more stringent exhortation to French Catholics to rally to the Republic. An idea got abroad that he was looking to the time when the old dream of Lamennais and Gioberti might become a reality, and Italy would split up into a number of republics, amongst which the temporal power of the pope might find a place.

"If anyone comes meddling again," said he, emitting the words separately through his thin compressed lips, "I will throw him down there.

She enriched herself at the expense of the state, corrupted society, degraded the clergy, and in her later years was universall y detested for her mischievous meddling, inexhaustible greed, and.

Washington's retreat through New Jersey; the manner in which he turned and struck his pursuers at Trenton and Princeton, and then established himself at Morristown, so as to make the way to Philadelphia impassable; the vigour with which he handled his army at the Brandywine and Germantown; the persistence with which he held the strategic position of Valley Forge through the dreadful winter of 1777-1778, in spite of the misery of his men, the clamours of the people and the impotence and meddling of the fugitive Congress - all went to show that the fibre of his public character had been hardened to its permanent quality.

When the new councils were established and beginning to work, he strongly set his face against any meddling with their proceedings by questions and answers in Parliament.

Panin further incensed Catherine by meddling with the marriage arrangements of the grand duke Paul and by advocating a closer alliance with Prussia, whereas the empress was beginning to incline more and more towards Austria.

Fouche, for meddling in the negotiations through an agent of his own, was promptly disgraced; and, when neither England was moved by diplomatic cajolery nor Louis Bonaparte by threats, French troops were sent against the Dutch capital.

Meaning, if I can't take care of my own stable, I shouldn't be meddling in yours?


intrusive, officious, meddlesome, busybodied, busy, interfering,


unoccupied, unemployed, idle, negligent, unintrusive,

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