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marys Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

marys ka kya matlab hota hai


यीशु की माँ; ईसाई उसे वर्जिन मैरी के रूप में संदर्भित करते हैं; वह विशेष रूप से रोमन कैथोलिक द्वारा सम्मानित है

marys शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

मरियम मकबरा, अकबर की राजपूत (आमेर के राजा भारमल की पुत्री हरखू बाई) बेग़म का मकबरा है, इस बेगम को अकबर ने मरियम मकानी अर्थात संसार की माँ की उपाधि या उपनाम दिया था ।

वंदीयुर मरियम्मन तेप्पाकुलम एक विशाल कुंड है।

बाइबिल के अनुसार ईसा की माता मरियम गलीलिया प्रांत के नाज़रेथ गाँव की रहने वाली थीं।

यीशुई मानते हैं कि उनकी माता मारिया (मरियम) कुवांरी (वर्जिन) थीं।

स्वर्गदूत ने उस से कहा, हे मरियम; भयभीत न हो, क्योंकि परमेश्वर का अनुग्रह तुझ पर हुआ है।

जिस की मंगनी यूसुफ नाम दाऊद के घराने के एक पुरूष से हुई थी: उस कुंवारी का नाम मरियम था।

मरियम (ईसा मसीह की माँ)।

सरोवर के उत्तर में तमिलनाडु की ग्रामीण देवी मरियम्मन का मंदिर है।

और उस घर में पहुंचकर उस बालक को उस की माता मरियम के साथ देखा और मुंह के बल गिरकर उसे प्रणाम किया; और अपना अपना यैला खोलकर उसे सोना और लोहबान और गन्धरस की भेंट चढ़ाई।

विवाहोपरांत मुस्लिम बनी और मरियम-उज़-ज़मानी कहलायी।


मरियम ने स्वर्गदूत से कहा, यह क्योंकर होगा? मैं तो पुरूष को जानती ही नहीं।

2016 में इन्होंने कश्मीर के मॉडल एवं व्यापारी मोहसीन अख्तर मीर से शादी की शादी करने के समय इन्होने इस्लाम क़ुबूल कर लिया था और इनका नाम भी मरियम अख्तर मीर हो गया था |।

वंदीयुर मरियम्मन तेप्पाकुलम ।

marys's Usage Examples:

There followed rapidly the murders of Rizzio and Darnley, the Bothwell marriage, Marys defeat, captivity, and flight into England (1568).

The lower clergy were more amenable; the two hundred who alone are said to have been ejected should perhaps be multiplied by five; but even so they were not one in seven, and these seven were clergy who had been promoted in Marys reign, or who bad stood the celibate and other tests of 1553-1554.

in spite of Marys repeated delusions, she bore no child, and both parliament and of the people resisted every attempt to deprive Elizabeth of SPanish her right to the succession.

The result was to turn the hearts of Marys people from herself, her church and her creed.

Only his arrogance and procrastination and Marys own courage saved her throne.

He wanted flon of England to be first firmly tied to the Habsburg interests ~ by Marys marriage with Philip. Nor was it generally anticipated that Mary would do more than restore religion as it had been left by her father.

He could trade upon Edwards precocious hatred of Marys religion, he could rely upon French fears of her Spanish inclinations, and the success which bad attended his schemes in England deluded him into a belief that he could supplant the Tudor with a Dudley dynasty.

Marco (now converted into a national museum), a series of frescoes, beginning towards 1443; in the first cloister is the Crucifixion with St Dominic kneeling; and the same treatment recurs on a wall near the dormitory; in the chapterhouse is a third Crucifixion, with the Virgin swooning, a composition of twenty life-sized figures - the red background, which has a strange and harsh effect, is the misdoing of some restorer; an "Annunciation," the figures of about three-fourths of life-size, in a dormitory; in the adjoining passage, the "Virgin enthroned," with four saints; on the wall of a cell, the "Coronation of the Virgin," with Saints Paul, Thomas Aquinas, Benedict, Dominic, Francis and Peter Martyr; two Dominicans welcoming Jesus, habited as a pilgrim; an "Adoration of the Magi"; the "Marys at the Sepulchre."

40); in John, His mother stands with the two other Marys and the beloved disciple beneath the cross, and " from that hour the disciple took her unto his own (house)," while in the older literature His mother does not appear in Jerusalem till just before Pentecost, and with " His brethren " (Acts i.

Saint Marys >>

marys's Meaning':

the mother of Jesus; Christians refer to her as the Virgin Mary; she is especially honored by Roman Catholics

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