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maoris Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

maoris ka kya matlab hota hai


पॉलिनेशियन और मेलनेशियन वंश की एक जातीय अल्पसंख्यक जो माओरी बोलते हैं और न्यूजीलैंड में रहते हैं

maoris शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

न्यूजीलैंड के माओरिस लोगों तथा जापानियों ने रंगीन गुदनों का विकास उच्च कलात्मक रूप में किया था।


maoris's Usage Examples:

The Maoris ate their enemies' hearts to gain their courage, but to whatever degree animistic beliefs may have once contributed to their cannibalism, it is certain that long before Captain Cook's visit religious sanction for the custom had long given place to mere gluttonous enjoyment.

Politically the Maoris have always been democratic. No approach to a monarchy ever existed.

Their colour is usually a darker brown than that of their kinsfolk of the eastern Pacific, but light-complexioned Maoris, almost European in features, are met with.

Physically the Maoris are true Polynesians, tall, well-built, with straight or slightly curved noses, high foreheads and oval faces.

The extraordinary ruined fortifications found, and the knowledge of the higher art of war displayed by the Maoris, suggest (what is no doubt the fact) that there was a hard fight for them when they first arrived, but the greatest resistance must have been from the purer Papuan inhabitants, and not from the half-castes who were probably easily overwhelmed.

Thus it would seem certain that the Maoris, starting from "further Hawaiki," or Samoa, first touched at Rarotonga, "nearer Hawaiki," whence, after forming a settlement, they journeyed on to New Zealand.

The Rarotongas call themselves Maori, and state that their ancestors came from Hawaiki, and Pirima and Manono are the native names of two islands in the Samoan group. The almost identical languages of the Rarotongas and the Maoris strengthen the theory that the two peoples are descended from Polynesians migrating, possibly at widely different dates, from Samoa.

The Maoris are Polynesians, and, in common with the majority of their kinsfolk throughout the Pacific, they have traditions which point to Savaii, originally Savaiki, the largest island of the Samoan group, as their cradleland.

This linguistic poverty proves that the Australian tongue has no affinity to the Polynesian group of languages, where denary enumeration prevails: the nearest Polynesians, the Maoris, counting in thousands.

No record, no folk tales, as in the case of the Maoris origin.

maoris's Meaning':

an ethnic minority of Polynesian and Melanesian descent who speak Maori and live in New Zealand

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