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manganite Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

manganite ka kya matlab hota hai


बेसिक मैंगनीज ऑक्साइड से मिलकर एक काला खनिज; मैंगनीज का एक स्रोत

manganite's Usage Examples:

As a prelude to our work on manganite tunnel junctions we explored the role of strain and interfaces on the properties of the manganite tunnel junctions we explored the role of strain and interfaces on the properties of the manganites.

Only so much lime is used that an acid manganite is formed corresponding to one molecule of calcium oxide to two of manganous oxide.

The object of the latter is to convert the manganous hydroxide by the atmospheric oxygen into manganese dioxide, but this would take place much too slowly if there was not an excess of lime present ready to combine with the manganese dioxide to form a calcium manganite.

Manganite >>

The hydrated form, found native as the mineral manganite, is produced by the spontaneous oxidation of manganous h y droxide.

Manganese is found widely distributed in nature, being generally found to a greater or less extent associated with the carbonates and silicates of iron, calcium and magnesium, and also as the minerals braunite, hausmannite, psilomelane, manganite, manganese spar and hauerite.

GOTHITE, or Goethite, a mineral composed of an iron hydrate, Fe203.H20, crystallizing in the orthorhombic system and isomorphous with diaspore and manganite.

The ore generally occurs in the form of oxides, manganite and pyrolusite, and contains a high percentage of sesquioxide of manganese.

manganite's Meaning':

a black mineral consisting of basic manganese oxide; a source of manganese


manganese, mineral, Mn, atomic number 25,



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