lyra Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
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lyra शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
भारत में पहुँचे मुस्लिम संगीतकार तीन तार वाली वीणा को सह (तीन) + तार सहतार या सितार कहने लगे।
तंतु वाद्यों में कन्नड़ वीणा, कर्करी और वीणा,।
मोहिनीअट्टम में आमतौर पर इस्तेमाल होने वाले संगीत उपकरण में मृदंगम या मधालम (बैरल ड्रम), इदक्का (ऑवर गिलास ड्रम), बांसुरी, वीणा एवं किज्हितलम शामिल हैं।
वीणा वादं पाणिघ्नं तूणब्रह्मं तानृत्यान्दाय तलवम्।
उनका एक गीत सिद्धार्थ के कान में पड़ा- ‘वीणा के तारों को ढीला मत छोड़ दो।
वीणावादनतत्वज्ञः श्रुतिजातिविशारदः।
चित्र:Resorocket guitar.jpg|दन्तवीणावाद्यम्।
आमतौर पर हिन्दुस्तानी संगीत में इस्तेमाल किए गए उपकरणों में सितार, सरोद, सुरबहार, ईसराज, वीणा, तनपुरा, बन्सुरी, शहनाई, सारंगी, वायलिन, संतूर, पखवज और तबला शामिल हैं।
अर्थात- नृत्य के साथ वीणा वादक और मृदंगवादक और वंशीवादक को संगत करनी चाहिए और ताल बजाने वाले को बैठना चाहिये।
'nbsp;'nbsp;'nbsp;ख.'nbsp;'nbsp;'nbsp; हिंदी के विशाल मन्दिर की वीणापाणी, स्फूर्ति चेतना रचना की प्रतिमा कल्याणी ―निराला।
एक-तंत्री वीणा ही त्रितंत्री बनी और सारिका युक्त होकर मध्य-काल के पूर्व किन्नरी वीणा के नाम से प्रसिद्ध हुई।
इसी प्रकार सप्त तंत्री अथवा चित्रा-वीणा, सरोद कहलाने लगी।
lyra's Usage Examples:
1495), had been one of its most famous professors; Nicholas de Lyra's (d.
The most important medieval exposition of the Decalogue is that of Nicolaus de Lyra; and the 15th century, in which the Decalogue acquired special importance in the confessional, was prolific in treatises on the subject (Antoninus of Florence, Gerson, 'c.).
In the middle ages some knowledge of Hebrew was preserved in the Church by converted Jews and even by non-Jewish scholars, of whom the most notable were the Dominican controversialist Raymundus Martini (in his Pugio fidei) and the Franciscan Nicolaus of Lyra, on whom Luther drew largely in his interpretation of Scripture.
Among the authentic works of Nicolaus of Lyra are: (1) two commentaries on the whole Bible, one (Postilla litteralis, 1322-1331) following the literal sense, the other (Postilla mystica seu moralis, 1339) following the mystic sense.
NICOLAUS OF LYRA (c. 1265-1349), French commentator, was born in Lire, now Vieille-Lyre, in the department of Eure, Normandy.
He took part in revising the Dutch translation of the Old Testament in 1633, and after his death a book by him, called the Lyra Davidis, was published, which sought to explain the principles of Hebrew metre, and which created some controversy at the time, having been opposed by Louis Cappel.
Nicolaus Of Lyra >>
Here for the first time a consistently elaborated world-historical interpretation is carried out from the reign of Domitian to Lyra's own period.
A counterattempt over against Joachim to interpret Revelation in the light of history was made by Nicolas of Lyra (1329, in his Postilla), following (?) therein the lead of Petrus Aureolus (1317).
1275) of Oxford, Nicolaus (q.v.) of Lyra, Peter of Aquila and others.