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lutheranism Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

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मार्टिन लूथर की शिक्षा अकेले विश्वास द्वारा औचित्य के कार्डिनल सिद्धांत पर जोर देती है


लुथर धर्म,

lutheranism शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

१६ वीं शताब्दी तक हंगरी मुख्य रूप से कैथोलिक रहा, जिसके बाद लुथर धर्म और फिर कैल्वनिज़िम को जनसंख्या ने अपनाया।


lutheranism's Usage Examples:

In 1585-1586 he returned with Castelnau to Paris, where his anti-Aristotelian views were taken up by the college of Cambrai, but was soon driven from his refuge, and we next find him at Marburg and Wittenberg, the headquarters of Lutheranism.

Of less influence in the subsequent history of Lutheranism, but of interest as used by Archbishop Parker in the preparation of the Elizabethan articles of 1563, is the confession of Wurttemberg.

Schmalkalden, drawn up by Luther in 1536, Luther's catechisms, and the Formula of Concord which was an attempt to settle doctrinal divisions promulgated in 1580, sum up what is called " the confessional theology of Lutheranism."

He befriended a number of English exiles, but had himself in 1556 to accept an offer of the chair of Hebrew at Zurich owing to his increased alienation from Lutheranism.

to science, in which Lutheranism is expounded "nervose, solide, et copiose," in fact with a fulness of learning, a force of logic and .a minuteness of detail that had never before been approached.

For a century of ter this the Modern Devotion flourished exceedingly, and its influence on the revival of religion in the Netherlands and north Germany in the 15th century was wide and deep. It has been the fashion to treat Groot and the Brothers of Common Life as "Reformers before the Reformation"; but Schulze, in the Protestant Realencyklopddie, is surely right in pronouncing this view quite unhistorical - except on the theory that all interior spiritual religion is Protestant: he shows that at the Reformation hardly any of the Brothers embraced Lutheranism, only a single community going over as a body to the new religion.

When Lutheranism arose, it spread rapidly in Prussia; Albert himself came into contact with Luther, and turning Protestant he secularized his territories, and (1526) made them into an hereditary duchy, still held as a fief of the king of Poland.

His exile, however, was brief, and some years after his return he became involved in a dispute with his sovereign, Christian III., king of Denmark, because he refused to further the progress of Lutheranism in the island.

Lutheranism began to run so strongly in Denmark as to threaten to whirl away every opposing obstacle.

On the problem of divine election Lutheranism and Calvinism remained divided.

lutheranism's Meaning':

teachings of Martin Luther emphasizing the cardinal doctrine of justification by faith alone

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