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lured Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

lured ka kya matlab hota hai



चुग्गा, फुसलाहट, ललच, प्रलोभन, चारा,


प्रलोभित करना, फुसलाना, लुभाना,

lured शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

ग्रामीणों में से कुछ ने मिलकर चुग्गा घर ("पक्षी को अनाज खिलाने का घर") का निर्माण किया, जिसमें एक दानेदार और एक बाड़ है।

कुण चुग्गा इकट्ठा करवाने में श्री भेरूजी साजेङ का विशेष योगदान रहता है ।


कैसे रेगिस्तान से गुजरता बंजारा भेड़ियों से जान बचाने के लिए उनके आगे चुग्गा फेंकता है।

इस दिन खावे की जगह पर चुग्गा इकट्ठा करते हैं कभी कभार तो सुकाल के समय यह चुग्गा 500 मया 600 मण के आसपास इकट्ठा हो जाता है ।

lured's Usage Examples:

She was a plant by the Dark One who lured you and probably the rest of your brothers into bed.

The Deidres were lured into the shadow world and ambushed by death dealers.

In 1659 he lured Afzul Khan, the Bijapur general, into a personal conference, and killed him with his own hand, while his men attacked and routed the Bijapur army.

Occasionally a kind of frenzy even would seem to seize on them, and lured by.

By the time Lana caught up, he'd had been lured into one of the buildings by a little girl with a handful of uncooked rice.

He is a wild man who lives with the animals of the field until lured away from his surroundings by the charms of a woman.

He maintained his ascendancy until about 515, when Oroetes, the Persian governor of Lydia, who had been reproached for his failure to reduce Samos by force, lured him to the mainland by false promises of gain and put him to death by crucifixion.

And farther still, beyond those forests and fields, the bright, oscillating, limitless distance lured one to itself.

The ease, too, with which he outshone men of vastly greater learning lured him from the task of intense and arduous study.

She was sure that was why Alex had lured Josh into the house.


call, tempt, bait, tweedle, decoy, lead on, snare, provoke, seduce, stool, stimulate, entice, hook,


free, contraindicate, put option, cause to sleep, demobilize,

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