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longfellow Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

longfellow ka kya matlab hota hai


संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका कवि ने अपनी लंबी कथा कविताओं के लिए याद किया (1807-1882)



longfellow शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

लांगफेलो ने तो उस कथा को कविता में भी गाया।

हेनरी वैड्सवर्थ लॉन्गफ़ेलो ने हियावाथा की पत्नी मिन्नेहाहा को मिनियापोलिस जलप्रपात के लिए द सॉन्ग ऑफ़ हियावाथा में नामित किया, जो सर्वाधिक बिकने वाला और अक्सर पैरोडीकृत 19वीं सदी की कविता है।

नवजागरण काल के प्रारंभ के कवियों में अमरीका के लोकप्रिय कवि हेनरी वर्ड्‌स्वर्थ लांगफेलो (१८०७-८२) के अतिरिक्त आलिवर बेंडेल होम्स (१८०९-९४) और जेम्स रसेल ऑवेल विशेष रूप से उल्लेखनीय हैं।

शादी का दृश्य (और कोरलियॉन परिवार का अहाता) स्टेटेन द्वीप के एमरसन हिल खंड में लॉन्गफ़ेलो रोड पर फ़िल्माया गया।

' लांगफेलो प्रथम अमेरिकी थे जिन्होने दाँते की डिवाइन कमेडी का अनुवाद किया।

इसी समय कालेज के अधिकारियों ने वहाँ आधुनिक भाषाओं के लिए एक पीठ की स्थापना की और लांगफेलो से आग्रह किया कि वह यूरोप जाकर इस पद पर काम करने के लिए आवश्यक योग्यता प्राप्त करे।

नैसर्गिक सरल प्रवाह के साथ कथा कहने या वर्णन करने में लांगफेलो अत्यंत सफल कवि है।

२०१० में निधन हेनरी वाड्सवर्थ लांगफेलो (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ; 27 फ़रवरी 1807 – 24 मार्च 1882)) अमरीका का प्रथम राष्ट्रीय कवि थे जिन्होने सुंदर छंदों में उच्च भावों का समावेश कर जीवन का ऐसा आदर्श उपस्थित किया जो अनुकरणीय और सर्वथा ग्राह्य है।

longfellow's Usage Examples:

There their descendants live to-day, still somewhat primitively, and still in somewhat of the glamour thrown over land and people by the Evangeline of Longfellow.

Emerson, the poets Bryant, Longfellow, pre-eminently Whittier and Whitman, have spoken on this theme with no uncertain sound.

Longfellow (who married Nathan Appleton's daughter) wrote his poem "The Old Clock on the Stairs."

The "Luck of Eden Hall," which has been celebrated in a ballad by the duke of Wharton, and in a second ballad written by Uhland, the German poet, and translated by Longfellow, is an enamelled goblet, kept in a leathern case dating from the times of Henry IV.

The birthplace of Longfellow is now a tenement house.

Longfellow - which was built in1785-1786by General Peleg Wadsworth (1748-1829), a soldier of the War of Independence, a representative in Congress from 1793 to 1807, and the grandfather of the poet; was given by Longfellow's sister, Mrs Anne Longfellow Pierce (1810-1901) to the Maine Historical Society; and contains interesting relics of the Wadsworth and Longfellow families, and especially of the poet himself.

Longfellow by the same sculptor; and where Congress Street crosses the Eastern Promenade, a monument to the first settlers, George Cleeve and Richard Tucker.

The city's park system includes the Western Promenade, on Bramhall Hill; the Eastern Promenade, on Munjoy Hill; Fort Allen Park, at the south extremity of the latter promenade; Fort Sumner, another small park farther west, on the same hill; Lincoln Park, containing 2 acres of beautiful grounds near the centre of the city; Deering's Oaks (made famous by Longfellow), the principal park (50 acres) on the peninsula, with many fine old trees, pleasant drives, and an artificial pond used for boating; and Monument Square and Boothby Square.

Longfellow wrote "A Psalm of Life" (1839), which was an intimate confession of the religious aspirations of the author.

The name is often in popular literature written Cambalu, and is by Longfellow accented in verse Cambeilic. But this spelling originates in an accidental error in Ramusio's Italian version, which was the chief channel through which Marco Polo's book was popularly known.

longfellow's Meaning':

United States poet remembered for his long narrative poems (1807-1882

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