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lire Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

lire ka kya matlab hota hai



पसंद होना, इच्छा करना, पसंद करना,


बराबर, अनुरूप, सरूप, सदृश, समान,


से बराबर, सदृश, के समान, जैसा,


के समान,


से बराबर, सदृश, के समान, जैसा,

lire शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

उनके जीवन-दर्शन के अनुसार दूसरों के और अपने कल्याण की इच्छा करना जीवन के प्रति आशावादी दृष्टिकोण का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है।

अपनी क्षमता से परे खर्चे करने की इच्छा करना,।

मरणांशसा- वेदना से व्याकुल होकर शीघ्र मरने की इच्छा करना

जीवितांशसा- सल्लेखना लेने के बाद जीने की इच्छा करना

'तुम्हें आदमी [डारने] विशेष रूप से पसंद है क्या?' वह अपने स्वयं की छवि [जो वह एक आईने में देख रहा है] देखकर बुदबुदाता है; 'तुम्हें विशेष रूप से ऐसा आदमी क्यों पसंद होना चाहिए जो तुम जैसा ही दिखता है? तुम जानते हो, तुम में पसंद करने लायक कुछ भी नहीं है।

अब उसका स्वतंत्रता से इच्छा करना और स्वयं अपना स्वामी बनना संभव होने लगा था उसके पास परंपराओं और ईश्वर के आदेशों के स्थान पर अपने और अपने साथियों के लिए जीवन चुनने की स्वतंत्रता थी।

lire's Usage Examples:

JOACHIM DU BELLAY (c. 1522-1560), French poet and critic, member of the Pleiade, was born 1 at the château of La Turmeliere, not far from Lire, near Angers, being the son of Jean du Bellay, seigneur de Gonnor, cousin-german of the cardinal Jean du Bellay and of Guillaume du Bellay.

First, this symple creature hadde myche trauaile, with diuerse felawis and helperis, to gedere manie elde biblis, and othere doctouris, and comune glosis, and to make oo Latyn bible sumdel trewe; and thanne to studie it of the newe, the text with the glose, and othere doctouris, as he m13te gete, and speciali Lire on the elde testament, that helpide ful myche in this werk; the thridde tyme to counseile with elde gramv riens, and elde dyuynis, of harde wordis, and harde sentenci, , hou tho m13ten best be vndurstonden and translatid; the iiij tyme to translate as cleerli as he coude to the sentence, anr: to haue manie gode felawis and kunnynge at the correcting of th,2 translacioun.

They likewise received a ransom of 160,000 lire for their Pisan prisoners.

He wrote, with papal approval, the letter requesting the Italians to occupy the Leonine city, and obtained from the Italians payment of the Peter's pence (5,000,000 lire) remaining in the papal exchequer, as well as 50,000 scudi - the first and only instalment of the Italian allowance (subsequently fixed by the Law of Guarantees, March 21, 1871) ever accepted by the Holy See.

agapr avOVVC) Lire Kai 7rpavvovvc Tb Kolar, Kai vvveubocovae Tols 7rpavvovv11,.

His engagement was for a salary of 75 lire (about X30) a month, a sum so large for that period as to mark conspicuously the high regard in which his art was held.

On the 2gth of June 1881 the Chamber adopted a Franchise Reform Bill, which increased the electorate from oo,ooo to 2,000,000 by lowering the fiscal qualification from 40 to 19.80 lire in direct taxation, and by extending the suffrage to all persons who had passed through the two lower standards of the elementary schools, and practically to all persons able to read and write.

The Italian treasury at once honored all the papal drafts, and thus contributed a first instalment of the 3,225,000 lire per annum afterwards placed by Article 4 of the Law of Guarantees at the disposal of the Holy See.

On the 12th of July 1871, Articles 268, 269 and 270 of the Italian Penal Code were so modified as to make ecclesiastics liable to imprisonment for periods varying from six months to five years, and to fines from 1000 to 3000 lire, for spoken or written attacks against the laws of the state, or for the fomentation of disorder.

Article 4 allotted the pontiff an annuity of 3,225,000 lire (~I29,ooo) for the maintenance of the Sacred College, the sacred palaces, the congregations, the Vatican chancery and the diplomatic service.


Italian lira, Italian monetary unit, centesimo,

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