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lesbos Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

lesbos ka kya matlab hota hai


पूर्वी एजियन सागर में पूर्वी ग्रीस का एक द्वीप; पुरातनता में यह गीत कविता के लिए प्रसिद्ध था

lesbos शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

जब एलन गिन्सबर्ग और पीटर ओर्लेवोस्की ने अपने भारत प्रवास के दौरान भूखवादियों से बातचीत की उस समय अनिल बीट जनरेशन से जुड़े थे।

जब सन्‌ 1783 में ऐंटोनी लेवोसिए ने वायुंमडल की वास्तविक प्रकृति का ज्ञान प्राप्त कर लिया और सन्‌ 1800 में जॉन डॉल्टन ने वायुमंडल में जलवाष्प के परिवर्तनों पर और वायु के प्रसार तथा वायुमंडलीय संघनन के संबंध पर प्रकाश डाला तभी आधुनिक ऋतुविज्ञान का आधार स्थापित हो गया।


आर्मि हैमर कैमरून विन्क्लेवोस्स के रूप में।

अमोर एस... कुएरेर कोन अलेवोसिया (2001), कैरोलिना के किरदार में।

हार्वर्ड के छात्र कैमरॉन विन्क्लेवोस, टायलर विन्क्लेवोस और दिव्य नरेंद्र ने ज़ुकरबर्ग पर धोके से उन्हें विश्वास दिलाने का आरोप किया कि वह हार्वर्ड कनेक्शन.कॉम (जो बाद में कनेक्ट्यु कहा गया).नाम का एक सामाजिक नेटवर्क साईट बनाने में मदद करेगा।

lesbos's Usage Examples:

Julian recalled him from exile, bestowed upon him an estate in Lesbos, and retained him for a time at his court in Constantinople.

About 611, with the assistance of the brothers of the poet Alcaeus, he overthrew Melanchrus, tyrant of Lesbos.

PITTACUS, of Mytilene in Lesbos (c. 650-570 B.C.), one of the Seven Sages of Greece.

He also encountered and heavily defeated a coalition of two great naval powers of the Asiatic coast, Miletus and Lesbos.

Even though we admit that Chios, Lesbos and Samos (up to 440) retained their oligarchic governments and that Selymbria, at a time (409 B.C.) when the empire was in extremis, was permitted to choose its own constitution, there can be no doubt that, from whatever motive and with whatever result, Athens did exercise over many of her allies an authority which extended to the most intimate concerns of local administration.

Chios, Lesbos and Samos alone furnished ships; all the rest had commuted for a money payment.

The German Archaeological Institute, founded in 1874, has carried out excavations at Thebes, Lesbos, Paros, Athens and elsewhere; it has also been associated in the great researches at Olympia, Pergamum and Troy, and in many other important undertakings.

It is possible that the floating of the head of Orpheus to Lesbos has reference to the fact that the island was the first home of lyric poetry, and may be symbolical of the route taken by the Aeolian emigrants from Thessaly on their way to their new home in Asia Minor.

The story is repeated of Dionysus; he is torn in pieces, and his head is carried down to Lesbos.

The following are the chief islands: - Thasos, in the extreme north, off the Macedonian coast; Samothrace, fronting the Gulf of Saros; Imbros and Lemnos, in prolongation of the peninsula of Gallipoli (Thracian Chersonese); Euboea, the largest of all, lying close along the east coast of Greece; the Northern Sporades, including Sciathos, Scopelos and Halonesos, running out from the southern extremity of the Thessalian coast, and Scyros, with its satellites, north-east of Euboea; Lesbos and Chios; Samos and Nikaria; Cos, with Calymnos to the north; all off Asia Minor, with the many other islands of the Sporades; and, finally, the great group of the Cyclades, of which the largest are Andros and Tenos, Naxos and Paros.

lesbos's Meaning':

an island of eastern Greece in the eastern Aegean Sea; in antiquity it was famous for lyric poetry

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