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leek Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

leek ka kya matlab hota hai



प्याज के प्रकार की एक वनस्पति,

leek शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজ यह कानून तब नई विकासवादी संस्थानों (क़ानूनी अवधारणाओं) के जरिये लागू कर दिया गया, जबकि यह पारंपरिक परिकल्पना के अनुसार ही बरकरार रहा. प्रेयटर्स (निर्वाचित न्यायाधीश) को ईसापूर्व तीसरी सदी में प्रुडेंट्स के अयाजकीय (जिन्हें याजकवर्ग से बाहर निकाल दिया जाता था) निकाय द्वारा प्रतिस्थापित कर दिए गए।

leek's Usage Examples:

As far as is known, Robert Plot's idea to measure the changing obliquity from the churchyard at Leek was never carried out.

Click on the picture to see an enlarged version showing the size of the chopped leek more clearly.

But little can be done in the northern states except to prepare manure, and get sashes, tools, 'c., in working order; but in sections of the country where there is little or no frost the hardier kinds of seeds and plants may be sown and planted, such as asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, leek, lettuce, onion, parsnip, peas, spinach, turnip, 'c. In any section where these seeds can be sown in open ground, it is an indication that hotbeds may be started for the sowing of such tender vegetables as tomatoes, egg and pepper plants, 'c. though, unless in the extreme southern states, hotbeds should not be started before the beginning or middle of February.

In his " Report on English Silk Industry " to the Royal Commission on Technical Instruction (1885) Sir Thomas Wardle of Leek says: " Colours and white of all possible shades can very easily be imparted to this compound of silk and tin, and this method is becoming extensively used in Lyons.

Leek, England >>

That's Roman wormwood--that's pigweed--that's sorrel--that's piper-grass--have at him, chop him up, turn his roots upward to the sun, don't let him have a fibre in the shade, if you do he'll turn himself t' other side up and be as green as a leek in two days.

Sir Thomas Wardle of Leek, in his handbook on silk published in 1887, showed by a series of measurements that the diameter of a single cocoon thread or bave varied from o oth to -nth part of an inch in diameter in the various species of Bombycides, whilst those of the Saturnides or wild species varied from - 0 oth to 3-0 0 th part of an inch.

so) of a silvery grey colour, which Sir Thomas Wardle of Leek, who devoted a great amount of attention to the wild-silk question, succeeded in reeling.

For success in coping with this difficulty, as well as in dealing with the whole question of the cultivation and employment of wild silks, the unwearying patience and great skill of Sir Thomas Wardle of Leek deserve special mention here.

There is more than one meaning of Leek discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.


scallion, alliaceous plant, Allium porrum,

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