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learnt Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

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learnt शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

विशेष्तः आपने मुत्तुस्वामि दिक्षितर की रचनाओं के वास्तविक पाठान्तर अम्बि दिक्षितर तथा जस्टिस टी. एल. वेंकटराम अय्यर से सीखा

उन्हें नृत्य करने वाली लड़कियों द्वारा सीखा गया और अंततः दरबार से बाहर फैल गया।

उस समय के अंग्रेजो ने यहाँ के स्थानीय स्टाफ को सेंकना (बनाना) सीखाया।

उसका शब्द कभी भी प्राप्त या सीखा हुआ नहीं है तथा अनुवाद में गृहीत शब्द बिलकुल ही नहीं है।


उनका कहना है कि “मैंने कई गुरुओं के सानिध्य में संगीत सीखा

उन्होंने गांधी को प्रेरणा स्रोत माना था और उनसे अहिंसा का पाठ सीखा था।

मगर इस खेल को विभाजन-पूर्व भारत की कृषि प्रधान भूमि के मेहनती और बलिष्ठ पंजाबियों ने स्वाभाविक रूप से सीखा

घर से भाग कर १२ साल के जयकान्तन अपने चाचा के यहाँ पहुँचे जिनसे उन्होंने कम्युनिज़्म (मार्कसीय समाजवाद) के बारे में सीखा

वे अपने गुरु रामकृष्ण देव से काफी प्रभावित थे जिनसे उन्होंने सीखा कि सारे जीवो मे स्वयं परमात्मा का ही अस्तित्व हैं; इसलिए मानव जाति अथेअथ जो मनुष्य दूसरे जरूरतमन्दो मदद करता है या सेवा द्वारा परमात्मा की भी सेवा की जा सकती है।

1959 में अनाड़ी फ़िल्म के ‘सब कुछ सीखा हमने न सीखी होशियारी’ गाने के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ पार्श्व गायन का फिल्मफेयर पुरस्कार मिला था।

उन्होंने बाद में बलराम पुरी से शास्त्रीय संगीत सीखा

पश्चिम दार्शनिकों के अध्यन के साथ ही इन्होंने संस्कृत ग्रंथों और बंगाली साहित्य को भी सीखा

learnt's Usage Examples:

But on the 23rd of December, when Moore was at Sahagun and about to attack Soult, he learnt that overwhelming French forces were hastening towards him, so withdrew across the Esla, near Benevente (Dec. 28), destroying the bridge there.

We have already seen that De Blainville, though fully persuaded of the great value of sternal features as a method of classification, had been compelled to fall back upon the old pedal characters so often employed before; but now the scholar had learnt to excel his teacher, and not only to form an at least provisional arrangement of the various members of the Class, based on sternal characters, but to describe these characters at some length, and so give a reason for the faith that was in him.

It was from the Moravians that Schleiermacher learnt his religion, and they even made a passing impression on Goethe; but both these men were repelled by their doctrine of the substitutionary sufferings of Christ.

A year or two later he learnt to play the violin and to speak French.

It may be that in particular cases particular modes of cultivation disfavour the host; or that the soil, climate or seasons do so; but overwhelming evidence exists to show that the principal causes of epidemics reside in circumstances which favor the spread, nutrition and reproduction of the pest, and the lesson to be learnt is, that precautions against the establishment of such favoring conditions must be sought.

As soon as he had learnt the elements of reading and writing, he was sent as a page to the court of Ferdinand and Isabella; afterwards, until his twenty-sixth year, he took service with Antonio Maurique, duke of Nagera, and followed the career of arms. He was free in his relations with women, gambled and fought; but he also gave indications of that courage, constancy and prudence which marked his after life.

It was considered wonderful in the last Cleopatra that she learnt to speak Egyptian (Plut.

But in process of time he learnt to understand the importance of British counsels.

By this time the salary had been increased to X1 2; in 1801 it was He had learnt of Raikes's Sunday Schools before he left the Establishment, but he rightly considered the system set on foot by himself far superior; the work and object being the same, he gave six days' tuition for every one given by them, and many people not only objected to working as teachers on Sunday, but thought the children forgot in the six days what they learnt on the one.

Besides what he learnt from his own observation, he collected much information from others concerning countries which he did not visit.


larn, relearn, hit the books, study, catch up, ingest, acquire, assimilate, absorb, take in,


refrain, disapproval, nonpayment, dishonor, praise,

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