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laxative Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

laxative ka kya matlab hota hai



रेचक औषधि, लैक्सेटिव,

laxative शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

इसका अर्थ है-रेचक औषधि के द्वारा शारीरिक विकारों अर्थात् उदर के विकारों की शुद्धि।


उग्र दशा में, जो प्राय: ज्वरों में हो जाती है, विरेचक औषधियों द्वारा इसको दूर किया जाता है।

आप लेक्टूलोज़ जैसी सौम्य रेचक औषधि का भी प्रयोग कर सकते हैं।

फली और उसमें का गूदा पित्तनिवारक, कफनाशक, विरेचक तथा वातनाशक हैं फली के गूदे का आमाशय के ऊपर मृदु प्रभाव ही होता है, इसलिए दुर्बल मनुष्यों तथा गर्भवती स्त्रियों को भी विरेचक औषधि के रूप में यह दिया जा सकता है।

laxative's Usage Examples:

laxative properties.

laxative effect.

laxative abuse.

Linseed seeds act as a gentle bulk forming laxative, increasing the mass of feces.

laxative called Picolax.

At my age, " getting a little action " means I don't need to take a laxative.

Manna possesses mildly laxative properties, and on account of its sweet taste is employed as a mild aperient for children.

In the milder varieties of this complaint, such as those occurring sporadically, and where the symptoms are probably due to matters in the bowels setting up the dysenteric irritation, the employment of diaphoretic medicines is to be recommended, and the administration of such a laxative as castor oil, to which a small quantity of laudanum has been added, will often, by removing the source of the mischief, arrest the attack; but a method of treatment more to be recommended is the use of salines in large doses, such as one drachm of sodium sulphate from four to eight times a day.

On the French Alps a sweet exudation is found on the small branchlets of young larches in June and July, resembling manna in taste and laxative properties, and known as Manna de Briancon or Manna Brigantina; it occurs in small whitish irregular granular masses, which are removed in the morning before they are too much dried by the sun; this manna seems to differ little in composition from the sap of the tree, which also contains mannite; its cathartic powers are weaker than those of the manna of the manna ash (Fraximus ornus), but it is employed in France for the same purposes.

Internally, sulphur is a mild laxative, being converted in the intestine into sulphides.


purgative, aperient, cathartic, evacuant,


unhealthful, unemotional, costive,

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