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laughingly Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

laughingly ka kya matlab hota hai

हंसते हुए


हंसी से, हंस कर,

laughingly शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

चतुर्मुख भगवान ब्रह्मा प्रसन्नतापूर्वक हंस कर दुर्गम के सम्मुख प्रकट हो गये और बोले - 'तुम्हारा कल्याण हो ! तुम्हारे मन में जो वर पाने की इच्छा हो, मांग लो।

दर्शकों की बेहूदा हंसी से नाराज होकर उन्होंने अपने वाद्य यन्त्र को मंच पर ही नष्ट कर डाला।

महिमा को देखकर लगता ही नहीं इंसान के पास हंसी से बेहतरीन चीज कौई और है।

कर दिया मुक्त हंस कर उसने भीतर से कुछ इङिगत पाकर .।

श्रृंखला के अन्य पात्रों की तुलना में उनके पास मजाकिया और तेज हास्य भी है, जो उनकी नासमझ एडी मर्फी-शैली की हंसी से भी समर्थित है।

अपने परिवार एक धार्मिक घराना है, जिसका सिलसिला वंश कुतुबुद्दीन अहमद हंसी से जा मिलता है।

ने ऊपर होने वाले अत्याचार को भी वे परिवार के लिए हंस कर सहन करती हैं।

laughingly's Usage Examples:

For those of us cursed with illegible scrawls that we laughingly call handwriting, well, that's what computers were made for.

The G- string is literally a piece of string that does a laughingly poor job of covering up anything - precisely why many love it.

Movies laughingly portray many cubicle workers as suffering under the blinking influence of fluorescents, but not all fluorescent lights are so harsh.

At another spot he noticed a Russian soldier laughingly patting a Frenchman on the shoulder, saying something to him in a friendly manner, and Kutuzov with the same expression on his face again swayed his head.

The Cossack laughingly told his comrades how he had almost fallen into the hands of the French.

Later on she recalled how she had asked her father to let her go to the dressing room to rearrange her dress, that Helene had followed her and spoken laughingly of her brother's love, and that she again met Anatole in the little sitting room.

Again, a peasant of Vinci having in his simplicity asked Ser Piero to get a picture painted for him on a wooden shield, the father is said to have laughingly handed on the commission to his son, who thereupon shut himself up with all the noxious insects and grotesque reptiles he could find, observed and drew and dissected them assiduously, and produced at last a picture of a dragon compounded of their various shapes and aspects, which was so fierce and so life-like as to terrify all who saw it.

They huffed their way, with Jennifer laughingly stopping to catch her breath every few steps.

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