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kettle Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

kettle ka kya matlab hota hai



पतीली, देगची, केतली,

kettle शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

अवनद्ध वाद्य, जैसे ड्रम या काजू, एक झिल्ली के कम्पन से ध्वनि उत्पन्न करते हैं; उन्हें प्रीड्रम अवनद्ध वाद्य, ट्यूबलर ड्रम, फ्रिक्शन घन वाद्य, देगची और मिरलीटन में विभाजित किया जाता है।

सभी दाले एक साथ उबाल कर रख लें .एक पतीली में दो चम्मच घी डाल कर जीरा, तेज पत्ता और चुटकी भर हींग डालें .प्याज तथा अदरक लहसुन का पेस्ट डाल कर भूरा होने तक भून लें टमाटर डाल कर थोड़ी देर पकाएं .फिर सभी मसाले, दाल तथा नमक डाल कर रस गढा होने तक पकाएं दाल को हरे धनिया से सजाएं नीबू निचोड़ दें।

इसमें विभिन्न तरह की बिरयानीयां, कबाब, कोरमा, नाहरी कुल्चे, शीरमाल, ज़र्दा, रुमाली रोटी और वर्की परांठा और रोटियां आदि हैं, जिनमें काकोरी कबाब, गलावटी कबाब, पतीली कबाब, बोटी कबाब, घुटवां कबाब और शामी कबाब प्रमुख हैं।

kettle's Usage Examples:

In the process the yield in metal, based upon the charge in the kettle, is lead 99%, silver loo-}- %, gold 98-100%.

The same is done with the kettle one-third filled with liquid lead, and so on until the first kettle contains market lead, the last cupelling lead.

In the winter he had a fire by which at noon he warmed his coffee in a kettle; and as he sat on a log to eat his dinner the chickadees would sometimes come round and alight on his arm and peck at the potato in his fingers; and he said that he "liked to have the little fellers about him."

In the Pattinson process the argentiferous lead is melted down in the central cast iron kettle of a series 8-15, placed one next to the other, each having a capacity of 9-15 tons and a separate fire-place.

Hence the bruised seed is, of ter leaving the fiveroller mill, generally warmed at once in a steam-jacketed kettle fitted with a mixing gear, by passing steam into the jacket, and sending at the same time some steam through a rose, fixed inside the kettle, into the mass while it is being agitated.

To the kettle, two-thirds full of crystals of lead, is now added lead of the same tenor in silver, the whole is liquefied, and the cooling, crystallizing, skimming and ladling are repeated.

She rinsed a potato and dropped it in the kettle.

Kettle, a village 1 m.

to the bottom, upon coaling the charge, are taken out with a skimmer and discharged into the neighbouring kettle (say to the right) until about two-thirds of the original charge has been removed; then the liquid enriched lead is ladled into the kettle on the opposite side.

A tea kettle was already whistling when they entered, and the maid rushed across the kitchen to grab it.


boiler, teakettle, pot,


full, hollowness, natural elevation, fill,

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