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kampala Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

kampala ka kya matlab hota hai


kampala शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

बाद में 13 और देश पीटीए में सम्मिलित हुये 1993 में कम्पाला (युगांडा) में।

कृष्ण एन. शर्मा ने २००७ से प्रयागराज के जीवन ज्योति इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ मेडिकल साइंसेज में सर्वप्रथम बतौर सहायक व्याख्याता, तत्पश्चात बतौर विभागाध्यक्ष एवं अंततः बतौर उप-प्राचार्य कार्य किया. इसके बाद वह कैमरून के सेंट लुइस विश्वविद्यालय में बतौर डीन एवं तत्पश्चात विक्टोरिया विश्वविद्यालय, कम्पाला के स्वास्थ्य विज्ञान संकाय में डीन बने.।

18 अक्टूबर 2007 तक, अदालत का क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय कम्पाला, किनशासा, बुनिया, अबेचे और बंगुइ में था।


| || कम्पाला (उच्चायोग) ||।

नवम्बर 2008 में सदस्य देशों की सभा के सातवें सत्र में इस सभा ने फैसला किया कि 2010 के पहले सत्र के दौरान रोम संविधि की समीक्षा सम्मेलन को कम्पाला, युगांडा में आयोजित किया जाएगा.।

ग़ाज़ीपुर ज़िले के लोग कृष्ण एन. शर्मा (English: Krishna N. Sharma) एक भारतीय मूल के यूगांडा निवासी लेखक एवं शोधकर्ता हैं. वर्तमान में वह विक्टोरिया विश्वविद्यालय, कम्पाला के उप-कुलपति हैं.।

kampala's Usage Examples:

Earlier this year, our team visited Hassan 's home in the crowded slums of Kampala.

Earlier this year, our team visited Hassan's home in the crowded slums of Kampala.

Leaving a small column to deal with Mwanga's force in the south, and another with Kabarega, Macdonald pursued the mutineers, overtook them in the swamps of Lake Kioga, and after a couple of successful skirmishes returned to Kampala, leaving Captain (afterwards Colonel) E.

Wilson, however, had already disarmed the troops in Kampala, who remained loyal, as also did Mbogo, the ex-king of the Baganda Mahommedans.

They now clamoured for recognition, and Lugard went to meet them, and after a somewhat precarious and very difficult interview he succeeded in bringing back their king Mbogo to Kampala, and in assigning them three minor provinces in Uganda.1 Lugard on his return to Uganda at the end of r891 had received orders to evacuate the country with his whole force, as the company could no longer maintain their position.

In spite of strenuous efforts on the part of the British administrator to avert war the French party determined to fight, and finally attacked the British, who had assembled round Kampala.

Lugard appealed to the king to do justice, but he himself was treated with scant courtesy, and his envoy was told that the French party would sack Kampala if Lugard interfered on behalf of the murdered man.

This attitude was welcome to neither faction, and for some days the position of the new arrivals on the little knoll of Kampala was very precarious.

of Kampala, and connected with it by monorail, is Kampala Port, on Victoria Nyanza.

On still another hill, Kampala, the British fort and government and European quarters are situated.


Buganda, capital of Uganda,

kampala's Meaning in Other Sites