jamestown Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
jamestown ka kya matlab hota hai
वर्जीनिया में जेम्स नदी पर एक पूर्व गांव नॉरफ़ॉक के उत्तर में; 1607 में अमेरिका में पहली स्थायी अंग्रेजी निपटान की साइट
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jamestown शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
जेम्सटाउन समझौते के छह साल बाद 1612 में, तम्बाकू को सफलतापूर्वक नकदी फसल के रूप में उगाने का श्रेय जॉन राल्फ को दिया गया।
जेम्सटाउन फाउंडेशन द्वारा एक संक्षिप्त सारांश उपलब्ध कराया गया है।
वर्त्तमान संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के वर्जिनिया में अवस्थित जेम्सटाउन, पहली अंग्रेजी स्थायी बस्ती बानी।
मलेरिया ने जेम्सटाउन उपनिवेश को तबाह कर दिया और दक्षिण एवं मध्य-पश्चिम में नियमित रूप से तबाही मचाता रहा।
वहां लोगों को बसाने की कोशिश में मैरीलैंड के लिए हेडराइट सिस्टम का उपयोग किया था, जिसकी व्युत्पत्ति जेम्सटाउन में हुई. सरकार ने उन लोगों को जमीन मुहैया कराई जो उपनिवेशी मैरीलैंड की ओर गए।
औपनिवेशिक जेम्सटाउन में, उपनिवेशियों ने 1609-1610 के दौरान नरभक्षण का सहारा लिया था, यह समय भुखमरी अवधि के रूप में जाना जाता है।
1612 में जेम्सटाउन के अवस्थापन के छह साल बाद जॉन राल्फ पहले अधिवासी हैं जिन्होंने तम्बाकू की एक नकदी फसल के रूप में सफलतापूर्वक खेती की।
इसकी राजधानी जेम्सटाउन है तथा यहां की आधिकारिक भाषा अंग्रेजी है।
जेम्सटाउन, सेंट हेलेना।
jamestown's Usage Examples:
Even the accession of William and Mary scarcely affected the fortunes of the "fifth kingdom," though Middle Plantation, a hamlet not far from Jamestown, became Williamsburg and the capital of the province in 1691, and the clergy received a head, though not a bishop, in the person of James Blair (1656-1743), an able Scottish churchman, who as commissary of the bishop of London became a counterpoise to the arbitrary governors, and who as founder and head of the College of William and Mary (established at Williamsburg in 1693) did valiant service for Virginia.
The state supports a hospital for the insane at Jamestown, an institution for the feeble-minded at Grafton, a home for old soldiers at Lisbon, a blind asylum at Bathgate, a reform school (opened 1902) at Mandan and a penitentiary at Bismarck.
The expedition which settled Jamestown rounded this peninsula (April 26, 1607), opened its sealed instructions here, and named the peninsula Poynt Comfort, in recognition of the sheltered harbour.
In Jamestown was the first Anglican church built in America.
Tyler, The Cradle of the Republic: Jamestown and James River (Richmond, 2nd ed., 1906); Mrs R.
Five miles from Norfolk and with Norfolk as its headquarters was held from the 26th of April to the 30th of November 1907 the Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition, celebrating the first permanent English settlement in America at Jamestown, Virginia.
It landed, at a place which was called Jamestown, on the 13th of May 1607, and resulted in the establishment of many plantations along the James river.
Jamestown was settled in 1810, was incorporated in 1827, and was chartered as a city in 1886.
This was refused, and civil war began, in which the governor was defeated and Jamestown was burned.
The larger municipalities with the population of each in 1905 were: Fargo (12,512), Grand Forks (10,127), Jamestown (5093), Bismarck, the capital, (4913), Minot (4125), Valley City (4059), Dickinson (3188), Wahpeton (2742), Mandan (2714), Grafton (2423) and Devils Lake (2367); in 1905 there were fifteen other municipalities each with a population of more than 1000.
jamestown's Meaning':
a former village on the James River in Virginia to the north of Norfolk; site of the first permanent English settlement in America in 1607