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isles Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

isles ka kya matlab hota hai

द्वीप समूह


द्वपि, टापू,

isles शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

यहां तीन छोटे-छोटे टापू हैं।

प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा मालदीव या (Dhivehi: ދ ި ވ ެ ހ ި ރ ާ އ ް ޖ ެ Dhivehi Raa'je) या मालदीव द्वीप समूह, आधिकारिक तौर पर मालदीव गणराज्य, हिंद महासागर में स्थित एक द्वीप देश है, जो मिनिकॉय आईलेंड और चागोस अर्किपेलेगो के बीच 26 प्रवाल द्वीपों की एक दोहरी चेन, जिसका फेलाव भारत के लक्षद्वीप टापू की उत्तर-दक्षिण दिशा में है, से बना है।

झील के मध्य एक छोटे से टापू पर नेहरू पार्क है।

इसमें 1,192 टापू हैं, जिसमें से 200 पर बस्ती है।

अगालेगा, मॉरीशस के उत्तर में 933 किलोमीटर पर दो छोटे टापू हैं।

उन्होंने इस झील के बीच में एक टापू का निर्माण भी कराया था।

चिरिया टापू (30 किलोमीटर)।

रामेश्वरम् एक सुन्दर टापू है।

+672 – Australian external territories other than Christmas, Cocos Islands, such as Australian Antarctic Territory, नोरफोल्क द्वपि

महानदी के एक टापू में स्थित धवलेश्वर मंदिर भगवान शिव की आराधना के लिए प्रसिद्ध है।

साउदेन टापू (पूर्वी साउदेन टापू सहित)।

बाग की मुख्य धुरी जमशेदपुर के संस्थापक जमशेदजी टाटा की मूर्ति है और उसके गिर्द फैली है रोज गार्डन, मुगल गार्डन, मुख्य झील, मनोरंजन पार्क और टाटा स्टील वन्य जीव उद्यान और झील के बीचोबीच स्थित कृत्रिम टापू

isles's Usage Examples:

The forest vegetation, largely confined to the "Isle of Isles" and the southern uplands, includes the Adansonia (baobab), which in the Fazogli district attains gigantic proportions, the tamarind, of which bread is made, the deleb palm, several valuable gum trees (whence the term Sennari often applied in Egypt to gumarabic), some dyewoods, ebony, ironwood and many varieties of acacia.

to the N.W., was fought in 1411 the great battle between Donald, lord of the Isles, and the royal forces under the earl of Mar.

His talent for electrical engineering was soon shown, and his progress was rapid; so that in 1852 he was appointed engineer to the Magnetic Telegraph Company, and in that capacity superintended the laying of lines in various parts of the British Isles, including in 1853 the first cable between Great Britain and Ireland, from Portpatrick to Donaghadee.

After visiting Amboyna, the Moluccas and other isles of the Malay archipelago, he returned to Malacca in July 1547, and found three Jesuit recruits from Europe awaiting him.

English Puritans emigrated under the auspices of the Virginia Company to the Bermudas in 1612; and in 1617 a Presbyterian Church, governed by ministers and four elders, was established there by Lewis Hughes, who used the liturgy of the isles of Guernsey and Jersey.

The seeds of West Indian plants are thrown on the western shores of the British Isles, and as they are capable of germination, the species are only prevented from establishing themselves by an uncongenial climate.

In common with the general Presbyterianism of the British Isles, the Presbyterian Church of England has in recent years been readjusting its relation to the Westminster Confession of Faith.

Isles adjacent to Nippon.

Sulphur containing selenium, such as occurs in the isle of Vulcano in the Lipari Isles, may be orange-red; and a similar colour is seen in sulphur which contains arsenic sulphide, such as that from La Solfatara near Naples.

Tetuaroa and Tubai, besides the three western Leeward Isles, are coral atolls.



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