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invoking Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

invoking ka kya matlab hota hai

आह्वान करना


विनती करना, आह्वान करना, अभिमंत्रित करना,

invoking शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

कलकत्ता उच्च न्यायालय ने आदेश देकर कहा बन्द का आह्वान करना अवैद्य है, इस आदेश के बाद पश्चिम बंगाल सरकार ने अपना रुख कड़ा करते हुए अर्धसैनिक बल की कुल 10 कंपनियां दार्जीलिंग भेजा ताकि हिंसक विरोध को दबाया जा सके और गोजमो के बड़े नेताओं और कार्यकर्ताओं को गिरफ्तार किया जा सके।

জজজआमंत्रित करना- आह्वान करना, बुलाना, सभा बुलाना, संयोजन करना, संयोजित करना।

ऐसे स्थान में जाना रोग का आह्वान करना है।

अगले डेढ़ दशक में, बंगाली धीरे-धीरे पाकिस्तान में शक्ति के संतुलन से विमुख हो गए, जो इस समय के दौरान सैन्य शासन के अधीन था; आखिरकार कुछ लोगों ने स्वतन्त्रता के लिये आह्वान करना आरम्भ किया।

आत्मा अकर्ता है अत: द्वेष के वशीभूत होना अकारण क्लेश का आह्वान करना है।

invoking's Usage Examples:

After vainly invoking the aid of the emperor Frederick I., the young king came to terms with Louis (1160), whose daughter was betrothed to Henry's namesake and heir.

By his divorce from Isabella of Gloucester he offended the English baronage (1200); by his marriage with Isabella of Angouleme, the betrothed of Hugh of Lusignan, he gave an opportunity to the discontented Poitevins for invoking French assistance and to Philip Augustus for pronouncing against him a sentence of forfeiture.

They were called the " media of the whole circle of the zodiac "; 11 each ten-day period of the Egyptian year was consecrated to the decanal god whose section of the ecliptic rose at its commencement; the body was correspondingly apportioned, and disease was cured by invoking the zodiacal regent of the part affected.

enacted that all persons invoking an evil spirit or consulting, covenanting with, entertaining, employing, feeding or rewarding any evil spirit should be guilty of felony and suffer death.

Primal Life, who is properly speaking the Mandaean god, has the same predicates as the primal spirit, and every prayer, as well as every section of the sacred books, begins by invoking him.

Being intended for the Hotri's use, both these works treat exclusively of the hymns and verses recited by that priest and his assistants, either in the form of connected litanies or in detached verses invoking the deities to whom oblations are made, or uttered in response to the.

plague-stricken persons invoking him should be healed.

those invoking the divine benignity for persons and things without changing their condition, e.g.

So late as the 10th and iith centuries we find certain texts invoking the Salic Law, but only in a vague and general way; and it would be rash to conclude from this that the Salic Law was still in force.

Now from the clearing house importers were rigorously excluded, and on invoking the aid of " futures," therefore, they were penalized to the extent of double broker's commission, one commission being charged on the sale of the " futures " and one on their purchase back.


bedamn, curse, anathemize, provoke, bless, conjure up, imprecate, create, anathemise, evoke, beshrew, kick up, arouse, maledict, bring up, raise, conjure, stir, call down, make, call forth, damn, put forward,


stay, unmake, break, bless, curse,

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