invagination Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
invagination ka kya matlab hota hai
अंदर की ओर या शीट की जाने वाली स्थिति
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invagination शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
जहाँ x और y धनात्मक पूर्णांक हैं तथा x>y. (स्रोत: 1991 अमेरिकन इन्विटेशनल मैथेमैटिक्स एग्जामिनेशन)।
জজজअगस्त के प्रारंभ में, वुड्स ने अपनी रिकॉर्ड 14वीं चैंपियनशिप, डब्ल्यू जी सी-ब्रिजस्टोन इन्विटेशनल में 8 स्ट्रोक्स से जीती, यह उनकी लगातार तीसरी तथा इस प्रतियोगिता में कुल मिलाकर छठी जीत थी।
invagination's Usage Examples:
This bilobed sac becomes entirely the liver in the adult; the intestine and stomach are formed from the pedicle of invagination, whilst the pharynx, oesophagus and crop form from the stomodaeal invagination ph.
The ciliated band of the left side of the velar area is indicated by a line extending from v to v; the foot f is seen between the pharynx ph and the pedicle of invagination pi.
The other extreme end closes, but the invaginated endoderm cells remain in continuity with this extremity of the blastopore, and form the " rectal peduncle " or " pedicle of invagination " of Lankester, although the endoderm cells retain no contact with the middle region of the now closed-up blastopore.
pedicle of invagination; its f, The foot.
The preconchylian invagination or shell-gland is formed in the embryo behind the velum, on the surface opposite the blastopore.
The planula develops, on the whole, in a similar manner, but the ectodermal invagination arises, not at the pole of the planula, but on the side of its broader portion, and gives rise, not to a pneumatophore, but to a nectocalyx, the primary swimming bell or protocodon (" Fallschirm ") which is later thrown off and replaced by secondary swimming bells, metacodons, budded from the coenosarc.
Hence the cavity of the air-sack is equivalent to a sub-umbral cavity in which no manubrium is formed, and the pore or orifice of invagination would represent the margin of the umbrella.
The orifice of invagination forms a pore which may be closed up or may form a protruding duct or funnel.
The pneumato phore arises from the ectoderm as a pit or invagination, part of which forms a gas-secreting gland, while the rest gives rise to an air-sack lined by a chitinous cuticle.
The planula becomes elongated and broader towards one pole, at which a pit or invagination of the ectoderm arises.
invagination's Meaning':
the condition of being folded inward or sheathed
condition, introversion,
extraversion, sociability, ambiversive,