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interdependent Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

interdependent ka kya matlab hota hai



एक-दूसरे पर आश्रित, परस्पर-निर्भर, अन्योन्याश्रित,

interdependent शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

52 मिलीयन उधारकर्ताओं को ऋण देनेवाली 704 व्यष्टि-वित्त संस्थाओं (MFI) से 2006 से हासिल किए गए औद्योगिक आंकड़ों में, ऐसी व्यष्टि-वित्त संस्थाएं (MFI) शामिल हैं, जो परस्पर-निर्भर उधार पद्धति (99.3% महिला ग्राहक) अपनाती हैं और ऐसी व्यष्टि-वित्त संस्था‍एं (MFI), जो एकल उधार पद्धति (51% महिला ग्राहक) अपनाती हैं।

व्यष्टि-वित्त की नई अवधारणाओं को, जैसे विकासशील दुनिया के परस्पर-निर्भर उधार, विकसित देशों में हस्तांतरित करने के प्रयास ज़्यादा सफल नहीं हुए हैं।

उपनिवेशवाद साम्राज्यवाद होते हुए भी काफ़ी-कुछ परस्परव्यापी और परस्पर-निर्भर पद हैं।

परस्पर-निर्भर उधार के मामले में बकाया ऋण की मात्रा, 30 दिनों के बाद 0.9% (एकल उधार - 3.1%) रही, जबकि 0.3% ऋण बट्टे खाते डाले गए (एकल उधार - 0.9%). चूंकि ऋण की मात्रा जितनी कम होती है, परिचालन मार्जिन उतना ही कम होता है, इसलिए कई व्यष्टि-वित्त संस्थाएं (MFI) यह मानती हैं कि पुरुषों को उधार देना, अधिक जोखिम भरा होता है।

7- संस्कृति भिन्न होती है- यह ऐसी व्यवस्था है जिसमें विभिन्न पारस्परिक भाग एक-दूसरे पर आश्रित हैं।

ये बेहद नवोन्मेषी साबित हुए हैं, जिन्होंने परस्पर-निर्भर उधार, ग्रामीण बैंकिंग और मोबाइल बैंकिंग जैसे नए बैंकिंग तकनीकों का अन्वेषण किया, जिनकी बदौलत ग़रीब आबादी की सेवा में पाई गई अड़चनें दूर की गई हैं।

इनमें परस्पर-निर्भरता रही है: त्वा वनों से जानवर माँस व अन्य वन्य उत्पाद लाकर बांटूओं द्वारा उगाये गये अन्न, सब्ज़ियाँ व अन्य कृषि उत्पादनों से अदल-बदल का व्यापार करते हैं।

interdependent's Usage Examples:

The child's immune system is an intricate network of interdependent cell types, substances, and organs that collectively protect the body from bacterial, parasitic, fungal, viral infections, and tumor cells.

Assuming as an axiom that the centre of gravity of any number of interdependent bodies cannot rise higher than the point from which it fell, he arrived, by anticipating in the particular case the general principle of the conservation of vis viva, at correct although not strictly demonstrated conclusions.

The causes of this insurrection were manifold, and, moreover, interdependent: the injury done to the military prestige of France by its defeats in Europe; the fall of the imperial government, in which, in the eyes of the natives, the authority of France was incarnate; and the insults offered with impunity in the streets by the civil population to the officers, who were loved and respected by the Arabs, at the same time that the decree of Adolphe Cremieux accorded to the Algerine Jews the rights of French citizens.

These three conditions were interdependent; and Henry IV., with his persuasive manners, his frank and charming character, and his personal valour, seemed capable of keeping them all three.

There are three interdependent methods of social media marketing.

The arrangement was too cumbersome, for there was nothing which would be called a central execntive; the three bodies (two of twenty-four members each, the third of fifteen) were interdependent, and none of them possessed efficient control over the others.

The most basic concept of this ancient philosophy of yin and yang is that everything, all energies, are interdependent upon one another.

secularized society that are clearly interdependent.

Human personality, we learn, is the temporary manifestation of a complex organization consisting of "seven principles," which are united and interdependent, yet divided into certain groups, each capable of maintaining temporarily a spurious kind GI personality of its own and sometimes capable of acting, so to speak, as a distinct vehicle of our conscious individual life Each "principle" is composed of its own form of matter, determined and conditioned by its own laws of time, space and motion, and is, as it were, the repository of our various memories and volitions.

In fact, analogical, inductive and deductive inferences, though different processes of combining premises to cause different conclusions, are so similar and related, so united in principle and interdependent, so consolidated into a system of inference, that they cannot be completely investigated apart, but together constitute a single subject of science.


mutually beneficial, dependent, mutualist,


unconditional, unaddicted, free, independent,

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