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instants Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

instants ka kya matlab hota hai



निमिष, वर्तमान-काल, क्षण,


तात्कालिक, तुरंत,

instants शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

पलटा शामिल दोनों आंखों की पलक एक आंख की उत्तेजना के जवाब में सहमति. इस निमिष के लिए जिम्मेदार है, अर्थात् Oculi Orbicularis, अभिव्यक्ति चेहरे के लिए है कारण तंत्रिका है innervation के चेहरे की मांसपेशियों. इस प्रकार, corneal पलटा प्रभावी रूप से दोनों कपालीय तंत्रिकाओं वी और ज्क्ष्क्ष् के समुचित कार्य के परीक्षणों.।

यथा रामायणे, -- “सर्व्वे तेऽनिमिषैरक्षैस्तमनुद्रुतचेतसः”।

निमिषा - उपेन्द्र नाथ अश्क।

सिद्धांतत: इंग्लैंड की संसद निमिष मात्र में इंग्लैंड के संविधान में मनोनीत परिवर्तन कर सकती है तथा वहाँ का प्रधान मंत्री मंत्रिमंडल को आमंत्रित न कर मंत्रिमंडलीय शासनपद्धति की इतिश्री कर सकता है, किंतु ऐसे आकस्मिक परिवर्तन कभी व्यवहार में क्रियात्मक नहीं होते।

अनर्थ निमिष, जन्मदिन, मूर्खों का स्वर्ग, मेरे दादा का हाथी आदि उनकी २५ से अधिक पुस्तकें प्रकाशित हो चुकी हैं।


एक अन्य अनुश्रुति के अनुसार इस स्थान पर अधिक मात्रा में पाए जानेवाले फल निमिष के कारण इसका नाम नैमिष पड़ा।

वाराह पुराण के अनुसार यहां भगवान द्वारा निमिष मात्र में दानवों का संहार होने से यह 'नैमिषारण्य' कहलाया।

निमिषन्निमिषार्ध्वाद्वा यद्वाक्यादै विमुच्यते | स्वात्मानं शिवमालोक्य तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः || ६३||।

अभ्यासान्निमिषेणैवं समाधिमधिगच्छति | आजन्मजनितं पापं तत्क्षणादेव नश्यति || १८१||।

निमिषो-अ-निमिषः स्रग्वी वाचस्पति:-उदार-धीः।

एकेन निमिषार्धेन क्रममाण नमोऽस्तु ते ॥।

'नैमिष' की व्युत्पत्ति 'निमिष' शब्द से बताई जाती है, क्योंकि गौरमुख ने एक निमिष में असुरों की सेना का संहार किया था (कर्निघम, आ.स.रि. भाग १)।

instants's Usage Examples:

of ii, if we imagine the two configurations of the system then referred to to be those corresponding to the instants 1, l+t Thus ~(m.~) =~(m).~.

Delisle is chiefly remembered as the author of a method for observing the transits of Venus and Mercury by instants of contacts.

2940, Dr Repsold proposed a method of meridian observing which consists in causing a web to follow the image of a star in transit by motions communicated by the observer's hands alone, whilst electrical contacts on the drum of the micrometer screw register on the chronograph the instants corresponding to known intervals from the line of collimation.

A few instants after the echo of the reports resounding over the stone- built Kremlin had died away the French heard a strange sound above their head.

At intermediate instants, however, other principles have also to be taken into account, which are deduced from the second law of motion, as applied to direct deviation, or acceleration and retardation.

When a machine undergoes alternate acceleration and retardation, so that at certain instants of time, occurring at the end of intervals called periods or cycles, it returns to its original speed, then in each of those periods or cycles the alternate excesses of energy and of work neutralize each other; and at the end of each cycle the principle of the equality of energy and work stated in 87, with all, its consequences, is verified exactly as in the case of machines of uniform speed.

For instance, to take the two solutions to which we have already referred, we have of ions between molecules at the instants of molecular collision only; during the rest of the life of the ions they were regarded as linked to each other to form electrically neutral molecules.

The instants of contact between the limbs of the sun and planet defied precise determination.

In the instants when a sharp image of the photosphere is seen or photographed, it shows a granulated appearance like white flakes strewed fairly evenly upon a dark ground.

A pair of contact springs are slowly shifted over so as to close the circuit at successive assigned instants during a complete phase.


mo, split second, wink, jiffy, heartbeat, New York minute, bit, flash, minute, twinkling, moment, second, trice, blink of an eye,


start, uncover, hide, disappear, dullness,

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