inlaying Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
inlaying ka kya matlab hota hai
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inlaying शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
परंतु अब यह बहुत उपजाऊ है क्योंकि ब्राह्मणों ने यज्ञ करके उसका आस्वादन अग्नि को करा दिया है।
गायन, वादन व नृत्य तीनों के समावेश को संगीत कहते हैं।
जिस काव्य का रसास्वादन दूसरे से सुनकर या स्वयं पढ़ कर किया जाता है उसे श्रव्य काव्य कहते हैं।
हिन्दू मतों के अनुसार महाभारत का युद्ध कुरुक्षेत्र में हुआ (इसमें भगवान कृष्ण ने भागवत गीता का वादन किया)।
नृत्य और वादन के साथ किया गया गान ‘संगीत’ है।
दृश्यकाव्य को 'रूपक' भी कहते हैं क्योंकि उसका रसास्वादन नेत्रों से होता है।
उसमें दलदल बहुत था क्योंकि अग्नि वैश्वानर ने उसका आस्वादन नहीं किया था।
सर्वप्रथम ‘संगीतरत्नाकर’ ग्रन्थ में गायन, वादन और नृत्य के मेल को ही ‘संगीत’ कहा गया है।
वीणावादनतत्वज्ञः श्रुतिजातिविशारदः।
जैसे, पाषडिलक्षण, मायावादनिंदा, तामसशास्त्र, पुराणवर्णनइत्यादि।
जब यह कला संगीत के रूप में उभरती है तो कलाकार गायन और वादन से स्वयं को ही नहीं श्रोताओं को भी अभिभूत कर देता है।
inlaying's Usage Examples:
There is at Cairo and in other towns a considerable industry in ornamental wood and metal work, inlaying with ivory and pearl, brass trays, copper vessels, gold and silver ornaments, 'c. At Cairo and in the Fayum, attar of roses and other perfumes are manufactured.
A valuable product is a species of clam, the shell of which furnishes a specially iridescent mothero'-pearl, which the natives barter with the Japanese for inlaying lacquer.
There in the 19th century Senor Zuloaga successfully revived the artistic inlaying of gold and silver in steel and iron.
The principal industries are tilework, inlaying with silver wire, and the manufacture of thick-soled yellow slippers, much-esteemed flintlocks, and artistic "towels" used as cape and skirt by Moorish country girls.
It is called togi-dashi-zogan (ground-out inlaying).
The plate thus obtained shows accidental clouding, or massing of dark tones, and these patches are taken as the basis of a pictorial design to which final character is given by inlaying with gold and silver, and by kata-kiri sculpture.
Suzukis kiribame process is not to be confounded with the kiribame-zagan (inserted inlaying) of Toyoda KokO, also a modern artist.
A third kind of inlaying, peculiar to Japan, is sumi-zogan (ink-inlaying), so called because the inlaid design gives the impression of having been painted with Indian ink beneath the transparent surface of the metal.
There are two principal kinds of inlaying: the first called hon-zogan (true inlaying), the second nunome-zogan (linen-mesh inlaying).
Both these compounds afford delicate, unobtrusive and effective grounds for inlaying with gold, silver and other metals, as well as for sculpture, whether incised or in relief.
inlaying's Meaning':
decorate the surface of by inserting wood stone and metal
adorn, decorate, embellish, ornament, grace, damascene, beautify, hatch,
improperness, unseemliness, ill nature, maleficence, awkwardness,