inject Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
inject ka kya matlab hota hai
इंजेक्षन देना, सुई लगाना,
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inject शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
रोगियों को ब्लाइंड करने के लिए एक प्रस्तावित समाधान है "छद्म एक्यूपंक्चर" का विकास, यानी, गैर-एक्यूपंक्चर बिन्दुओं पर या झूट-मूठ में सुई लगाना।
रक्तस्राव के जोखिम के कारण स्वास्थ्य सेवा पेशेवर, नासोगैस्ट्रिक इन्ट्यूबेशन (नाक के रास्ते से किसी व्यक्ति के पेट में नलिका डालना), अंतःपेशीय इंजेक्शन (दवा को मांसपेशियों में सीधे देना) तथा धमनियों में पंचर (किसी धमनी में सुई लगाना) करना जैसी आक्रामक चिकित्सा प्रक्रियाओं से बचते हैं।
জজজराजस्थान में दुर्ग जब त्वचा में खोखली सुई चुभोकर पिचकारी (सिरिंज) की सहायता से शरीर के भीतर कोई द्रव प्रविष्ट कराया जाता है तो उसे सुई लगाना कहते हैं।
inject's Usage Examples:
Inject the ink slowly into the reservoir.
Squash bugs are a serious problem in the Western Hemisphere and can be found from coast to coast in the U.S. They suck the vital juices from plants and can inject a toxin that causes otherwise healthy plants to wilt, discolor and die.
Inject stimulants subcutaneously; give coffee - hot and strong - by the mouth and rectum, or use large doses of caffeine citrate; and employ artificial respiration.
Many, therefore, prefer mechanical stirring by means of paddles, fixed either to a vertical or to a horizontal shaft, and inject only sufficient steam to keep the mass at the proper temperature.
The treatment is therefore to administer an ounce of sodium sulphate in water by the mouth, or to inject a similar quantity of the salt in solution directly into a vein or into the subcutaneous tissues.
Some sufferers from constipation find that they get greater relief from salts dissolved in water, or from natural aperient water taken on rising in the morning, and others again find that the best way of opening the bowels is to inject one or two drachms of glycerine into the rectum, or use it as a suppository.
In fact, a young single girl might be exactly what they needed to inject more interest in the tour – and Felipa was an excellent rider.
Once Dean introduced himself, he sat with the phone several inches from his ear, unable to inject a word as she built up her tirade.
The other bottle's empty. Did he inject himself?
Finally, she was able to inject a few words.
dispense, vaccinate, immunise, inoculate, administer, immunize, infuse, shoot,
integrate, cry, assemble, begin, unify,