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ingrowth Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

ingrowth ka kya matlab hota hai


कुछ जो अंदर की ओर बढ़ता है


कुदी तसवीर की छाप,

ingrowth शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

जबकि इसे पूरी तरह से खत्म करना असंभव है, अंतर्वर्धित बालों को निम्न त्रिकोण से कम किया जा सकता है जैसे नियमित रूप से अपशल्कित करने से और एक एस्ट्रिंजेंट या एस्ट्रिंजेंट और तेल के एक मिश्रण (आम तौर पर बेबी ऑयेल या अजुलें ऑयेल) को लगाने से.।

वैक्सिंग की एक अन्य कमी यह है कि कुछ लोगों को अंतर्वर्धित बाल, लाल सूजन और ज़रा सी खून निकलने की शिकायत भी हो सकती है।

उपकला कुदी तसवीर की छाप की घटनाओं में 0.1% पर अनुमान लगाया गया है।

ingrowth's Usage Examples:

It may also be sprayed over a porous titanium coating where it is used to promote bone ingrowth.

The immediate cavities or pits into which the tracheal stigmata open appear to be in many cases ectodermic in sinkings, but there seems to be no reason (based on embryological observation) for regarding the tracheae as an ingrowth of the ectoderm.

Each taeniola bears a strongly developed longitudinal muscle-band, stated by Claus and Chun to be developed from the endoderm, like the retractor muscles of the anthopolyp, but by other investigators it is affirmed that each retractor muscle of the scyphistoma arises from the lining of a funnel-shaped ectodermal ingrowth (" Septaltrichter ") growing down from the peristome inside each taeniola, in a manner similar to the infundibular cavities of Lucernaria, which in their turn are homologous with the sub f genital cavities of Scypho l A .` medusae.

The Hydromedusae are distinguished from the Scyphozoa chiefly by negative characters; they have no stomodaeum, that is, no ingrowth of ectoderm at the mouth to form an oesophagus; they have no mesenteries (radiating partitions) which incompletely subdivide the coelenteron; and they have no concentration of digestive cells into special organs.

The ovary is incompletely divided into many chambers by the ingrowth of the placentas which bear numerous ovules and form in the fruit a many-seeded short capsule opening by small valves below the upper edge.

The nerve ganglion is formed by an ingrowth of epiblast, and so are the pedal glands.

The pistil, which is above the rest of the members of the flower, consists of two carpels joined at their edges to form the ovary, which becomes two-celled by subsequent ingrowth of a septum from these united edges; a row of ovules springs from each edge.

One end of the blastopore becomes nearly closed, and an ingrowth of ectoderm takes place around it to form the stomodaeum or fore-gut and mouth.

By a simple modification, the open pit becomes a solid ectodermal ingrowth, just as in Teleostean fishes the hollow medullary tube, or the auditory pit of other vertebrate embryos, is formed at first as a solid cord of cells, which acquires a cavity secondarily.

The entocodon is to be regarded, therefore, not as primarily an ingrowth of ectoderm, but rather as an upgrowth of both bodylayers, in the form of a circular rim (IVa), representing the umbrellar margin; it is comparable to the bulging that forms the umbrella in the direct method of budding, but takes place before a manubrium is formed, and is greatly reduced in size, so as to become a little pit.

ingrowth's Meaning':

something that grows inward




nondevelopment, palingenesis,

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