individuals Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
individuals ka kya matlab hota hai
शख़्स, एक व्यक्ति, व्यक्ति,
विशिष्ट, अकेला, वैयक्तिक, व्यक्तिगत,
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individuals शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
हम व्यवहार में यह देखते हैं कि भाषा का सम्बन्ध एक व्यक्ति से लेकर सम्पूर्ण विश्व तक है।
कहा जाता है, कि जब वह सोने जाता था, एक व्यक्ति उसे कुछ पढ़ कर सुनाता रह्ता था।
हर राग का अपना एक रूप, एक व्यक्तित्व होता है जो उसमें लगने वाले स्वरों और लय पर निर्भर करता है।
तांत्रिक अभ्यास में एक व्यक्ति वास्तविकता को माया, भ्रम के रूप में अनुभव करता है और यह व्यक्ति को मुक्ति प्राप्त होता है।
ऐसे गणराज्यों को निरंकुशता में बदलने से कैसे रोका जा सकेगा? मैकियावेली इसके लिए दो शर्तें पेश करते हैं : हर गणराज्य को टिके रहने के लिए ऐसा प्रबंध करना होगा जिसमें हर व्यक्ति दूसरे के साथ सृजनात्मक ढंग से होड़ कर सके, किसी एक व्यक्ति को इतनी शक्ति अर्जित करने से रोकना होगा कि वह दूसरों पर प्रभुत्व जमा सके।
एक व्यक्ति को किसी वस्तु में उच्च कलात्मक अभिव्यक्ति लग रही है।
यह बहुत महंगा था कि एक व्यक्ति पूरे टुकड़ा खरीद नहीं सक्ता है।
प्रसिद्ध सूफी शायर रूमी के पास एक व्यक्ति आया और कहने लगा- एक मुसलमान एक ईसाई से सहमत नहीं होता और ईसाई यहूदी से।
सलारजंग संग्रहालय – यह पुरातन वस्तुओं का एक व्यक्ति संग्रह वाला सबसे बड़ा संग्रहालय है।
জজজ इसके अलावा, उच्चतम प्राप्ति ऐसी घटना है जहाँ अनेक में से एक व्यक्तित्व स्वयं, आत्म को आविष्कार करता है, कोई एक सार्वभौमिक आत्म नहीं है जो सभी व्यक्तियों द्वारा साझा जाता है।
सिला में, बोन रैंक प्रणाली, एक व्यक्ति की सामाजिक स्थिति को परिभाषित करती थी और एक ऐसी ही समान प्रणाली जोसियन राजवंश के अंत तक बनी रही।
शब्द का अर्थ एक व्यक्ति है या जाति, इस विषय में उन्होंने दोनों पक्षों को माना है।
individuals's Usage Examples:
Few persons can see with the naked eye - much less measure - more than six stars of the Pleiades, although all the stars measured by Maestlin have been seen with the naked eye by a few individuals of exceptional powers of eyesight.
The reproductive individuals have undergone an extraordinary simplification of the organs concerned with the collection and digestion of food.
Four dissimilar individuals, tied to a damaged being known only to one of us who at one time hated him for the loss of her friend.
varies from yellow-green to deep crimson in different species and in individuals according to exposure to sunlight and other conditions.
A check of the records listed 22 individuals who had ordered the paper from out of town over the last three months.
There began the intimate gathering of five distinctly different individuals, and the unique results of our brief weekend cohabitation.
Such are the " guard-polyps " (machopolyps) of Plumularidae, which are often regarded as individuals of the nature of dactylozoids, but from a study of the mode of budding in this hydroid family Driesch concluded that the guard-polyps were not true polyp-individuals, although each is enclosed in a small protecting cup of the perisarc, known as a nematophore.
In the end, our fundamental challenge is to become better individuals, and technology offers little help on that front; it is up to each one of us to solve that for ourselves.
They were two individuals joined in marriage because they wanted to be lifetime companions.
Some 9000 individuals were engaged in unclassified industries.
changer, debaser, personage, toreador, scratcher, extrovert, case, creature, differentiator, degrader, squinter, neutral, ladino, killer, thin person, sprawler, unperson, nonmember, chutzpanik, straight person, explorer, deceased, sleepyhead, personality, smiler, right-hander, Libra, stifler, gatherer, applicant, simpleton, nude person, loved one, owner, extravert, stigmatic, mesomorph, agnostic, juvenile person, boomer, hugger, mollycoddler, convert, Bull, baldy, slayer, knocker, carrottop, recoverer, Taurus, jewel, pamperer, nonreligious person, technologist, prospect, enrollee, adjudicator, dresser, musclebuilder, charmer, anti-American, wiggler, color-blind person, small person, Amerindian, outcaste, romanticist, scrapper, comforter, literate person, immune, objector, common man, seeker, junior, driveller, dribbler, dead soul, lightning rod, figure, grinner, sex object, insured person, nonsmoker, assimilator, chameleon, unusual person, simple, bad guy, planner, seeder, mestizo, trier, entertainer, warrior, primitive, yawner, religious person, anatomy, wriggler, freewheeler, people, worker, blond, opener, causal agency, right hander, effector, winker, philosopher, dissenter, wealthy person, kneeler, weakling, abator, undoer, Gemini, gay, bomber, victim, needer, Lion, abomination, substance abuser, soul, nondescript, nonpartisan, divider, termer, pardoner, spoiler, nondrinker, grunter, indigen, leader, showman, maimer, guinea pig, lefty, bluecoat, slipper, waiter, appointee, ejector, engineer, Goat, bereaved person, emulator, intellect, Scorpio, turner, counter, aper, buster, bedfellow, traveler, baldpate, righthander, registrant, look-alike, relative, pussycat, ostrich, radical, snuffler, man jack, inexperienced person, image, redhead, player, antagonist, birth, Victorian, Balance, opposer, tempter, deliverer, tagger, active, survivalist, being, spitter, defecator, visionary, eristic, Native American, unfortunate person, fleer, opponent, third-rater, romper, rescuer, decedent, blackamoor, admirer, jumper, acquaintance, expectorator, child, Cancer, optimist, individualist, controversialist, flesh, appointment, arrogator, skin and bones, miracle man, toucher, granter, doormat, beholder, spouse equivalent, user, Caucasian, scientist, Virgin, ectomorph, acquirer, juvenile, traveller, nonparticipant, celebrant, female, experimenter, censor, scrag, excuser, mortal, forgiver, voider, best, protester, faller, muscle-builder, good guy, tapper, selector, waker, Twin, causal agent, Water Bearer, sex symbol, shitter, perspirer, passer, repeater, Latin, manipulator, proponent, closer, chooser, communicator, tyrant, commoner, deceased person, brunet, nonpartizan, greeter, have, pisser, combatant, complexifier, unfastener, essayer, equal, brunette, dupe, Negro, sentimentalist, riser, perceiver, forerunner, noncompliant, nonresident, laugher, ward, gainer, White person, personification, sphinx, form, polyglot, domestic partner, blonde, transferee, Ram, surrenderer, assessee, bodybuilder, signatory, lover, unraveler, weight gainer, Slav, Capricorn, rectifier, middlebrow, threat, frame, scourge, neighbour, African, deaf person, testate, spurner, faddist, clumsy person, resister, Elizabethan, attempter, sloucher, celebrator, heterosexual, relation, denizen, homosexual, balker, chassis, mover and shaker, interpreter, actor, demander, learner, sniveler, venturer, rusher, celebrater, heterosexual person, double, bod, stigmatist, spousal equivalent, preserver, runaway, disputant, social dancer, slider, aggregator, mediocrity, life, hater, picker, Scorpion, knower, collector, sport, saver, squirmer, drooler, cause, gambler, mixed-blood, Hebrew, misogamist, dweller, skidder, quester, Black person, build, shape, enjoyer, socializer, blogger, insured, advisee, gatekeeper, untier, wight, measurer, unfortunate, copycat, introvert, sort, female person, cripple, percipient, yielder, nurser, apprehender, stooper, six-footer, large person, neighbor, yearner, ancient, good person, adventurer, archaist, baby, capturer, bad person, person, male person, imitator, common person, public relations person, unwelcome person, slave, pansexual, doubter, abjurer, muscleman, dieter, free spirit, controller, soma, indweller, asthmatic, money handler, baldhead, effecter, person of color, percher, departed, masturbator, weasel, restrainer, thrower, walk-in, amateur, creeper, slobberer, hoper, redheader, partner, adversary, squint-eye, contemplative, subject, abstainer, Aquarius, creditor, Virgo, longer, Leo, mother hen, struggler, drug user, transsexual, success, unraveller, dead person, debtor, party, someone, doer, aborigine, Aries, innocent, money dealer, man, red-header, anomaly, autodidact, supernumerary, abstinent, battler, suspect, left-hander, witness, testator, native, revenant, homo, transvestite, cashier, emotional person, survivor, sensualist, person of colour, homunculus, shaker, wuss, bullfighter, deviser, authority, creator, compulsive, snuffer, transfer, ape, male, Black, possessor, baulker, cross-dresser, cloud seeder, national, scholar, searcher, swayer, precursor, totemist, outdoorsman, rich person, posturer, succeeder, liver, urinator, namer, friend, mouse, observer, contriver, loose cannon, ethnic, sniffer, disentangler, allayer, huddler, fiduciary, machine, Fish, guesser, Crab, Negroid, miracle worker, aboriginal, hope, somebody, linguist, wanter, anti, counterterrorist, vanisher, dancer, tiger, groaner, smotherer, delayer, onanist, achiever, inhabitant, nonworker, follower, winner, thirster, self, bather, compeer, ruler, coddler, advocate, rester, face, quitter, dyslectic, biter, applier, gentile, modern, transexual, orphan, segregate, married, appreciator, baby boomer, Archer, reliever, primitive person, nonperson, kink, exponent, monolingual, signer, free agent, applied scientist, discriminator, gem, modifier, belligerent, watcher, realist, fugitive, terror, visually impaired person, captor, adoptee, Jew, withholder, socialiser, bereaved, southpaw, roundhead, endomorph, sniffler, powderer, habitant, smasher, homophile, organism, material body, Sagittarius, malcontent, crawler, intellectual, White, propositus, Jat, candidate, topper, affiant, worldling, mangler, first-rater, fastener, fighter, grownup, pursuer, ouster, advocator, saluter, literate, baby buster, sweater, Pisces, computer user, Israelite, beard, beguiler, mutilator, stranger, sounding board, capitalist, straight, unskilled person, peer, handicapped person, adult, physique, occultist, mailer, human body, neglecter, persona non grata, expert, match, contestant, muscle builder, significant other, sneezer, indigene, debitor, second-rater, quarter, welcomer, coward, dissident, physical body, nude, namesake,
smoker, follower, drinker, liberator, extrovert, granter, resident, unemotional person, withholder, bad guy, stranger, member, nonreligious person, good person, leader, partisan, creditor, pessimist, religious person, agonist, bad person, juvenile, loser, female, adult, worker, debtor, male, acquaintance, good guy, introvert, fat person,