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incur Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

incur ka kya matlab hota hai

अपने ऊपर लेना


दायित्व देना, ग्रस्त होना, झलिना, सहना, अपने ऊपर लेना,

incur शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

अतीत में अन्य सूत्रों (निदानों) का प्रयोग भी किया जा सकता था, जैसे कि बेनेडिक्टाइन वाडे रेट्रो संताना (Benedictine Vade retro satana) आधुनिक युग में कैथोलिक बिशपों द्वारा शायद ही कभी भूत-प्रेत के अपसारण की क्रिया को अनुमति दी जाती है, उनके पास आने वाले मामलों में व्यक्ति के मानसिक अथवा शारीरिक रोग से ग्रस्त होना अधिक संभाव्य होता है।

(4) वैधानिक दायित्व बीमा- व्यक्ति के कई वैधानिक दायित्व उत्पन्न हो सकते हैं , उनका बीमा करवाया जा सकता है यथा किसी तीसरे व्यक्ति को, स्वयं को या सम्पत्ति को चोट पहुँचने पर, आग लगने पर पड़ोसियों को होने जले नुकसान, रोजगार के दौरान दुर्घटना ग्रस्त होना आदि।

नवजात शिशु का पीलिया या अन्य किसी संक्रमण से ग्रस्त होना

किसी बच्चे का ध्यातिवि (ADHD) से ग्रस्त होना अभिभावकों और बच्चों दोनों के लिए भयावह हो सकता है, साथ ही इसके साथ जीवन एक चुनौती जैसा हो सकता है, हालांकि उपचार के द्वारा इसके लक्षणों पर बहुत हद तक काबू पाया जा सकता है।

मई 1996 में अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी ने जब अपनी सरकार बनायी तो उन्होंने सिकन्दर बख्त को शहरी विकास मन्त्री का दायित्व देना चाहा परन्तु उससे वह सन्तुष्ट नहीं हुए अत: वाजपेयी ने उन्हें विदेश मन्त्री का अतिरिक्त प्रभार भी दे दिया।

आपदा प्रबंधक के कार्य अपरिमित रूप से अधिक पौधे लगा दी जाए तो आपदा प्रबंधन क्या होगा आपदा प्रबंधन वे प्राकृतिक आपदाएं जिन से मानव को बहुत क्षति ग्रस्त होना पड़ता है आपदा प्रबंधन कहलाता है जैसे कि भूकंप बाढ़ ज्वालामुखी भूस्खलन आदि प्राकृतिक आपदाएं'।

incur's Usage Examples:

It costs me less in every sense to incur the penalty of disobedience to the State than it would to obey.

An endeavour is made so to plan the works of a railway that the quantity of earth excavated in cuttings shall be equal to the quantity required for the embankments; but this is not always practicable, and it is sometimes advantageous to obtain the earth from some source close to the embankment rather than incur the expense of hauling it from a distant cutting.

He was named as one of the counsellors to assist the queen, but, fearing to incur the king's displeasure and using his favourite phrase ira principis mors est, he gave her very little help; and he signed the letter to Clement VII.

No persons so excommunicated shall incur any civil penalty or incapacity whatever, save such sentence of imprisonment, not exceeding six months, as the court shall direct and certify to the king in chancery.

This will incur the wrath of the MCP, which dislikes him poking around in its memory.

In each city incorporated after its adoption, the Constitution requires the election in each of a mayor, a treasurer and a sergeant, each fora term of four years, and the election or appointment of a commissioner of the revenue for an equal term; that in cities having a population of 10,000 or more the council shall be composed of two branches; that the mayor shall have a veto on all acts of the council and on items of appropriation, ordinances or resolutions, which can be overridden only by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members elected to each branch; and that no city shall incur a bonded indebtedness exceeding 18% of the assessed value of its real estate.

When there is no other means of entering into commercial relations with remote and savage races save by enterprise of such magnitude that private individuals could not incur the risk involved, then a company may be well entrusted with special privileges for the purpose, as an inventor is accorded a certain protection by law by means of a patent which enables him to bring out his invention at a profit if there is anything in it.

The council are not authorized to promote any bill, and although they frequently do so, they incur the risk that if the bill should not pass the members of the council will be surcharged personally with the costs incurred if they attempt to charge them to the county rate.

When the country was in distress, the queen felt a womanly repugnance for festivities; and yet it was undesirable that the court should incur the The court reproach of living meanly to save money.

We will need to incur costs to solve the problem.


subject, run,


pull out, leave, end,

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