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imperiously Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

imperiously ka kya matlab hota hai

धृतराष्ट्र ढंग से


अत्‍यावश्‍यक रूप से, निरंकुशतापूर्वक, घमंड से, उद्धतता के साथ, धृष्टतापूर्वक,

imperiously's Usage Examples:

Imperiously, he interrupted her train of thought.

The officer spoke imperiously to the man in the car.

He spoke to his neighbor violently and imperiously.

The praetorian guards had keenly resented the murder of their patron Domitian, and now, at the instigation of one of their two prefects, Casperius Aelianus, whom Nerva had retained in office, they imperiously demanded the execution of Domitian's murderers.

Trump imperiously interrupted Clinton a number a times during their Presidential Debates.

It bothers me when peple treat me imperiously for no reason.

Bismarck, however, once more was obliged to oppose the current of national feeling, which imperiously demanded that the German duchies should be rescued from a foreign yoke.

"You must leave now," she demanded imperiously.

He rang the front bell imperiously, and loudly demanded immediate attention.

Her boss was one who spoke unfairly and imperiously to his coworkers.

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