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imbibition Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

imbibition ka kya matlab hota hai


(रसायन विज्ञान


निपान, अंत:शोषण, इम्बीबिशन,

imbibition शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

रीवा जिले के निकट 13 किलोमीटर (निपानिया-तमरा मार्ग) महाराजा मार्तण्ड सिंह बघेल व्हाइट टाइगर सफ़ारी एवं चिड़ियाघर मुकुंदपुर का निर्माण किया गया है जहाँ सफ़ेद शेरों को संरक्षण दिया जा रहा है।

जैसे निपानी का बैगिनगुड़ी मंदिर।

आयुर्वेदिक महाविद्यालय निपानिया (शासकीय)।

इस पौधे की पत्ती को निपानियोफिलम (Nipaniophyllum) कहते हैं, जो एक चौड़े पट्टे के आकार की होती थी।

उन्होंने 1916 के दौरान निपानी में दक्कन रायट एसोसिएशन की स्थापना की।

भारतीय वायुसेना की स्क्वाड्रन सोनेगांव (निपानी) (Sonegaon (Nipani)) भारत के महाराष्ट्र राज्य के नागपुर ज़िले में स्थित एक शहर है।

इसके अतिरिक्त राजमहल के ही इलाके में निपानिया ग्राम से प्राप्त तना निपानियोज़ाइलान (Nipanioxylon) भी इसी गण में रखा जाता है।


इस निर्वाचन क्षेत्र में नागदा, पूर्व सीट खाचरौद, अजीमाबाद-पारदी, बनबनी, बनवाड़ा, बरछा, भिलसुड़ा, कालसी, किलोडिया, निपानिया, नयन, सिमरोल पटवारी और तूतीखेडी शामिल है।

imbibition's Usage Examples:

Since on an average 70% by measurement of the normal defecated cane juice has to be evaporated in order to reduce it to syrup ready for final concentration and crystallization in the vacuum pan, and since to attain the same end as much as 90 to 95% of the volume of mixed juices has to be evaporated when maceration or imbibition is employed, it is clear that some more economical mode of evaporation is necessary in large estates than the open-fire batteries still common in Barbados and some of the West Indian islands, and in small haciendas in Central America and Brazil, but seldom seen elsewhere.

In these we have (1) the evaporation from the damp delicate cell-walls into the intercellular spaces; (2) the imbibition by the cell-wall of water from the vacuole; (3) osmotic action, consequent upon the subsequent increased concentration of the cell sap, drawing water from the wood cells or vessels which abut upon the leaf parenchyma.

The second operation is the coagulation of the albumen, and the separation of it with other impurities from the Maceration or Imbibition.

0 „ triple to /o „ diffusion with 25% To prevent the serious loss of juice left in the megass by even the best double and triple crushing, maceration or imbibition was introduced.

It shows the greatest quantity of juice that may be expressed from canes, according to the different proportions of fibre they contain, but without employing maceration or imbibition, to which processes reference is made hereafter.

He proposes to support the strength by placing the patient in a tepid bath of nutritious liquids, that might enter by cutaneous imbibition, but does not recommend this.

The vitality of these cells being altered there is imbibition and accumulation of watery fluid in their cytoplasm, causing swelling and vacuolation of the cells.

imbibition's Meaning':



imbibing, potation, swilling, ingestion, guzzling, intake, drinking, gulping, uptake, consumption,


supply, catabolism,

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