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huns Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

huns ka kya matlab hota hai


एक भयावह लोगों के एक सदस्य जिन्होंने 4 वीं शताब्दी में यूरोप पर हमला किया



huns शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

इस चिड़ियाघर को विकसित करने का श्रेय श्री लाल महुन्द्रा राम को जाता है।

मुझसे नहीं आया जाता -मेरे थीं नई आया जांदा - मेरेशा नि नोंदा (औन हुन्दा)।

इस प्रपात (झरना) को हुन्डरु जलप्रपात (hundrughagh) कहते हैं।

अधिकांश जुलाहे जिन्हेंथ हुनर व महीन डिजाइनिंग के लिए जाना जाता है।

हुन्डरु जलप्रपात - राँची से लगभग २८ किलोमीटर दूर।

जन शिक्षण संस्थान बोकारो ने १५ से ३५ साल के युवाओं को हुनरमंद बनाने के लिए अभियान चला रखा है।

इन झरनों में हुन्डरू, जोन्हा, दसम और पांच गाघ झरने प्रमुख हैं।

. गोम्मटगिरि कर्नाटक राज्य की मैसूर ज़िले के हुंसुर तालुक के बिलिकेरे में स्थित है।

हुन्मिन जिओंगिउम (훈민정음, 训 民 正音) की शाही उद्घोषणा में चीनी वर्णों को एक आम व्यक्ति द्वारा सीखना बहुत कठिन माना जाता था, जिसका शाब्दिक अर्थ है "ध्वनियां जो लोगों को सिखाने के लिए उपयुक्त हैं"।

3. पुँ. हू अथवा ऊ (वह, वे), तिर्यक् रूप हुन, हुननि; स्त्री. हूअ, हू, तिर्यक रूप उहो, उहे; पुँ. ही अथवा हीउ (यह, ये) तिर्यक् रूप हि, हिननि; स्त्री. इहो, इहे, तिर्यक् रूप इन्हें।

इस संस्थान द्वारा जिले के विभिन्न भागों में मोबाइल सेंटर खोलकर समाज के अंतिम जन के युवाओं को स्वावलंबी बनाने के लिए हुनरमंद बनाने का काम किया जाता है।

ओखिनियो के पास समझ-बूझ आउर अंत:करण के आवाज होखता आओर हुनको के दोसरा के साथ भाईचारे के बेवहार करे के होखला।

huns's Usage Examples:

Linguistically they can be divided into several groups such as Turks, Mongols and Huns, but they were from time to time united into states representing more than one group, and their armies were recruited, like the Janissaries, from all the military races in the neighbourhood.

By the Kabul valley route, which includes at its head the group of passes across the Hindu Kush which extend from the Khawak to the Kaoshan, all those central Asian hordes, be they Sacae, Yue-chi, Jats, Goths or Huns, who were driven towards the rich plains of the south, entered the Punjab.

Russia was 'the seat of the empire' of the Khazars, who drove the Bulgarians, descendants of the Huns, from the Don, one Section of them migia.tiug up thu Volga to found there the Bulgarian empire, and the remainder travelling towards the Danube.

to W., under the pressure of the Aorzes (the Mordvinian Erzya) and Siraks, who in their turn were soon followed, by the Huns and Uigur-Turkish Avars.

The cities, exposed to pillage by Huns in the north and Saracens in the south, and ravaged on the coast by Norse pirates, asserted their right to enclose themselves with walls, and taught their burghers the use of arms. Within the circuit of their ramparts, the bishops already began to exercise authority in rivalry with the counts, to whom, since the days of Theodoric, had been entrusted the government of the Italian burghs.

He was the son of a raja of Thanesar, who gained prominence by successful wars against the Huns, and came to the throne in A.D.

Though the emperor Julian improved its defences, the town was destroyed by the Huns under Attila, in the 5th century, but Justinian did his best to restore it.

If this ancient civilized race was really allied to the ancestors of the Turks and Huns, it is a remarkable instance of how civilization thrives best by being transplanted at a certain period of growth.

For the possible connexion between the Ephthalites and the European Huns see Huns.

Serdica was burnt by the Huns in A.D.

huns's Meaning':

a member of a nomadic people who invaded Europe in the 4th century

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