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horus Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

horus ka kya matlab hota hai


एक फाल्कन के सिर के साथ मिस्र के सौर भगवान; ओसिरिस और इसिस का बेटा

horus's Usage Examples:

In old times he is identified with Horus: later Ammon was confused with him, and depicted in his image.

HATHOR, whose name means house of Horus, was at all times a very important deity.

eve 09- from Rim, it is said, emanated Horus as heart or mind and Thoth as tongue, and through the conjoint action of these two, the mind conceiving the design and the tongue uttering the creative command, all gods and men and beasts obtained their being.

His fusion with Horus and Etom has already been noted; further we find an Ammon-Re, a Sobk-Re, a Khnum-Re; and Month, Onouris, Show and Osiris are all described as possessing the attributes of the sun.

Certain of the carri al gods early became identified with cosmic divinities, and inst latter thus became the objects of a cult; so, for instance, in t Horus of Edfu was a sun-god, and Thoth in Hermopolis as gna was held to be the moon.

For some he was identical with Horus, and then phil was falcon-headed and was called Hor-akhti, the Horus of of t horizons.

The more ancient account survived, however, he myth that Osiris, Horus, Seth, Isis and Nephthys (a less who plays but a minor part in the Osiris cycle) were all Iren of the earth-god Keb and the sky-goddess Nut, born on five consecutive days added on at the end of the year (the flied epagomenal days).

- In the IVth Dynasty there might be four of the latter: (1) identifying him with the royal god Horus; the name is commonly written in a frame Ijllll representing the façade of a building, perhaps a palace or tomb, on which the falcon stands.

The Isiac mysteries were a representation of the chief events in the myth of Isis and Osiris - the murder of Osiris, the lamentations of Isis and her wanderings, followed by the triumph of Horus over Seth and the resurrection of the slain god - accompanied by music and an exposition of the inner meaning of the spectacle.

The relationships had now to be readjusted, the most popular view recognized Horus as the son and iger of Osiris.

horus's Meaning':

Egyptian solar god with the head of a falcon; the son of Osiris and Isis

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