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guaiacum Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

guaiacum ka kya matlab hota hai


लिग्नम वीटा ट्री से औषधीय राल

guaiacum's Usage Examples:

Among the more important and conspicuous trees of these tropical forests are mahogany, rosewood, Spanish cedar (Cedrela), cassias, ceibas (Bombax), rubber (Castilloa), palms of many species including the oil-producing Attalea of Manzanillo and Acrocomia of Acapulco, guayacan (Guaiacum), logwood (Haematoxylon campechianum), brazilwood (H.

Guaiacum officinale L. Lignum Vitae This species yields lignum vitae wood from which is obtained the medicinal resin guaiacum officinale L. Lignum Vitae This species yields lignum vitae wood from which is obtained the medicinal resin guaiacum.

In chronic rheumatism the chief remedies are salicylate of soda, and its allies iodide of potassium, guaiacum and sulphur, while massage, liniments and baths are beneficial as local applications.

Among the large trees which are valued for their timber are redwood (Humiria balsamifera), Brazil-wood, algarrobo, palo de cruz (Jacquinea ruscifolia), guaiacum or holy wood, rosewood, cedar and walnut.

Other woods, beautiful and precious, include guayacan (Guaiacum sanctum), baria (varia, Cordia gerascanthoides) - the fragrant, hard-wood Spanish elm - the quiebra-hacha (Copaifera hymenofolia), which three are of wonderful lasting qualities; the jiqui (Malpighia obovata), acana (Achras disecta, Bassia albescens), caigaran (or caguairan, Hymenaea floribunda), and the dagame (Calicophyllum candidissi- mum), which four, like the culla, are all wonderfully resistant to humidity; the caimatillo (Chrysophyllum oliviforme), the yaya (or yayajabico, yayabito: Erythalis fructicosa, Bocagea virgata, Guateria virgata, Asimina Blaini), a magnificent construction wood; the maboa (Cameraria latifolia) and the jocuma (jocum: Sideroxylon mastichodendron, Bumelia saticifolia), all of individual beauties and qualities.

guaiacum's Meaning':

medicinal resin from the lignum vitae tree


lignum vitae, Guaiacum officinale, natural resin,



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